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In the mornin
I get a text from Julia
Julia:sorry I didn't come over but I'm staying for 1 more week so I can come over today if you want
Me:yay I'm glad your staying for another week yea you should come over today
Julia:okay see you later love ya loser
Me:love you too stupid
Then Sab wakes up
Hey Bebe,I said
Hey,she saids
Then I get a text from Katie
Katie:we are going to get breakfast want me to get you something
Katie:what about Sab
Then I ask Sab
Hey Sab,I said
Want something for breakfast,I said
Sure,she saids
Ooh I'm so you know how Julia didn't come over yesterday,I said
Yea,she said
She's coming over today,I said
Okay,she saids

1 hour later
Katie kicks the door open
Do you see there is a whole in the door and you kick it,I said
Sorry here is your food,Katie saids
Thanks,I said
Your welcome y'all should come downstairs,Katie saids I look at Sab
Okay,Sab saids
I'm a bit,I said
Okay,Katie saids and leaves

So my friend Justin is coming over today,Sab saids
Okay,I said
So you can be with Julia in your room I'll be with Justin,she saids
You  really trust me like that letting another girl in my room with me together in bed watching a movie and possibly cuddling,I said
Yea I don't mind,she saids
Okay the,I said 
Love ya,I said and gave her a kiss and went out the door
Where you going bub,she saids
Downstairs,I said
Okay,she saids
I mean of course I trust her why wouldn't I I'm hanging out with my friend so she can hang out with hers even tho that's her ex and Justin isn't my ex I love him but not in that way

Later that day when Justin and Julia or over

Let's go to my room and watch a movie,I hear Anna say
Okay,Julia saids they go upstairs
Do you want to watch something to or,Justin saids
Sure why not,I said and we went upstairs
I turned on the tv and put in a movie it was awkward we just sat there and watched

I need to use the restroom I'll be back,Justin saids
Okay,I said
Do you know we're it is,I said
Yea,he saids
Then he leaves
I just wait for him and watch the movie he's taking a while

Sab,he saids walking in

I saw Anna and Julia kiss,he saids

Ohh no she didn't,I said
I'm not lieing I swear,he saids
I got of my bed and went to Anna's room

So did y'all kiss or not because I will beat your ass,I said

Baby what do you mean,Anna saids

I grabbed Julia and Justin and kicked them out of the house

Tell me Anna,I yelled
Did you kiss her,I yelled

Baby I would never and why would you care you cheated on me before,she saids

So you did,I said

Bub no I didn't me and Julia are just bestfriends okay bub chill,she saids

How am I supposed to chill when Justin said you guys kissed,I said

Justin that son of a bitch,she saids

He's a fucking lier,she saids
Well I can see that I'm going to have to talk to him,I said

Love ya,she saids

Anna don't even,I said

Not a good time to say that I love you okay,she saids

I'm joking I love you too,I said

Okay well now I have to talk to Justin

Okay now we have Justin I've known him for about 1 year I haven't seen him for awhile tho s lot of people say well he lies but I didn't really want to believe them I don't know Justin is a pretty nice guy and a good friend I guess he is a lier

(Sorry it's not long I'm just very tired)

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