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I'm just about to answer Dallas' question when she comes down the tiny hall of her tiny apartment wearing a tiny top and jeans that cling to the luscious curve of her hips and ass.

"Uh ..." What was the question?

"The party?" Dallas prods me with raised brows. "Whose birthday party is it and am I dressed okay?"

She's wearing makeup, which I haven't seen much. Smoky eye shadow exaggerates the tilt of her almost-black eyes. Her lips are lush and nude colored. The dark hair I can barely keep my hands out of on the best of days rolls past her shoulders in a dark, straight, shiny curtain. Her bright-red top falls well below her breasts, but still leaves the subtle, sexy pack of tight abdominal muscles on display. When she moves just the right way, I can see the small script tattoo curving under her breast and over her delicate rib cage. I want to make her move in just the right way all night.

"Yeah, the party." Think using the other head. "It's my friend, Jimmi's, birthday party."

"Jimmi as in Jimmi Dawson? The singer?" Dallas' dark brows jerk together, and she looks down at what she's wearing. "Is this, like, a big deal party?"

"No, it's super casual. Look at what I'm wearing."

I know it's different for guys, but my dark wash jeans and Bob Marley hoodie should reassure her that this isn't exactly a red-carpet event.

"Okay." She grabs her keys from the hook on the wall. "I'm ready."

I'm not. I just got back from New York yesterday, and today is the first time I've seen her since we rode dune buggies at Pismo Beach. I'd rather stay here and endure another season of Sex and the City than share her company with other people. But Jimmi will castrate me if I don't show. She still might. I'm not great at hiding my attraction for Dallas. Jimmi will spot that shit right away. Considering the last real conversation we had was me telling Jimmi we should just forget we slept together, she might not be happy that I'm showing up with another girl at her birthday party.

But that was months ago.

I ignore Marlon's voice in my head telling me I'm a delusional idiot and head out. Jimmi loves to bowl, so Pins & Needles is the perfect place for her party. It's got a ton of lanes, a great bar, and a tattoo studio in the back.

"I'm gonna park in the back lot." I turn to Dallas, struggling not to notice the way her seatbelt slices between her breasts. Am I thirteen again?


"It's not a big party or anything, but there are several celebrities here." I open my door, walking fast around the front of the Cayenne to open hers before she can do it herself. "And there's always some pap lurking. I just don't want you caught up in that."

"Believe me, neither do I."

She laughs up at me, and I want to hold her hand. To stake that claim before we walk into this party with all these guys who will find it just as hard as I do not to stare at Dallas. But she tucks both hands into her back pockets and walks beside me, eyes fixed on her silver sequined Converse with their wedge heels. How she walks in them, I have no idea, but they're kind of adorable.

As soon as we walk in, people stick to me like flies to fly paper. Where was all this attention in high school, when I was an awkward sixteen-year-old who had never been to a school dance? Who'd only ever had private tutors and barely knew one song on the radio? The guy who had been kissed by one girl in his whole life and almost threw up the first day of tenth grade? That guy would have loved the attention. This me now, not so much.

Beautiful Chaos/A Jordan Knight FanFic/ Book One in the Beautiful series. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now