Chapter 11:

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Ava sat on Paul's bed with blankets wrapped around her. Paul had let her borrow a sweatshirt and shorts, which fit her too big, to wear until her clothes dried.

Paul was scolding her while pacing; he had been so scared when she wouldn't open her eyes. He really thought he had lost the only good thing he had.

"I can't believe you, you could have died!" He exclaims running his hands through his wet hair.

"What was I supposed to do Paul, let her drown?" Asks Ava and Paul stops pacing and looks at her.

"You're just too reckless and it scares the shit out of me. You don't even know how to swim for fucks sakes." He says and Ava gets up and hugs him around the waist.

"I'm sorry." She whispers and Paul sighs before pulling away from her and bringing her into a kiss.

The kiss was soft at first but then got more heated as Paul wrapped one arm around her waist and the other to gently hold the back of her head. He used the position to pull her into a deeper kiss.

She was intoxicating to him and he couldn't get enough of her. Eventually they pulled back for air but still stayed close enough to where they could feel their lips touch if they moved slightly. 

Paul wanted to kiss her again but Ava's phone rang making him groan in annoyance.

Ava smiles at him, and then picks up her phone to answer it.

"Hello." She answers.

"Ava make sure you're home before dinner." Says Charlie.

"Yes I'll be home soon I'm just leaving Paul's house." She says.

"Okay be safe." He says and Ava nods before hanging up.

"Can't you just stay here?" Whines Paul as he wraps his arms around her waist and burring his face into her neck kissing it a couple of times.

"You know I can't, my dad's been extra hard about curfew since we started dating."

"How come he wasn't like that with your sister?" He says his face still in her neck.

"Because Bella always threated to run away or go to Jacksonville if things with her blood sucking boyfriend didn't go as planned." She says and Paul smiles before lifting his head to kiss her again.

"Paul I really have to go, are my clothes dry?" She asks as she tried to speak through his kisses.

"Nope, guess you'll have to stay here with me for the night." He says before lifting her up and falling onto the bed with her under him. 

She giggles and Paul stops, he had heard her laugh maybe once but her giggle was something he hadn't heard before and god was it adorable.

"Fuck are you trying to kill me?" He whines while putting his face back into her neck. Ava smiles running her hands through his hair as he sighs in content.

"Paul." She says again and he just hums.

"I'm pretty sure the dryer is done and if I don't get home before dinner my dad is going to come to your house with pitch forks." She says and Paul laughs softly before lifting his head.

"Okay but next Saturday I'm taking you for swimming lessons." He says and Ava nods her head. 

She thought Paul was going to let her go but he put his head back into her neck making her laugh softly.

"Paul." She says softly and he just hums. She started playing with his hair again and then she felt his fingers starts to trace patterns on her torso where the sweater had lifted up slightly.

She shivered making Paul lift his head and stare into her eyes. Then he leaned down and kissed her, this kiss was different. It was hungrier and messy, they had never kissed like this before but Ava loved it.

Paul moved his hand further up her torso but when he touched a certain stop Ava quickly broke the kiss making Paul panic.

"I'm sorry was I going to fast?" He asks but Ava just shakes her head before sitting up making Paul sit up with her.

"You didn't do anything wrong it's just that." She pauses and Paul takes her small hands in his as if encouraging her to speak.

"I've never had a boyfriend or even been with a guy before so I've never had to explain."

"Explain what baby?"

"Close your eyes." She says after a while of silence and Paul immediately closes his eyes.

Ava sits on her knees before taking off her sweater leaving her in her bra, which she refused to take off and dry, before taking a deep breath. 

She then grabs Paul's hand and placed it on her side. She was close enough to be almost sitting on his lap so she could feel him breath in shapely when his hand touched her skin.

"Okay you can open them now." She says and he does slowly looking into her eyes first before his eyes trailed down to where his hand was. 

It was on a scar that ran across the left side of her body. She had two and they where deep but they looked old, and Paul wondered how he hadn't seen them the day she shifted.

"When I was nine I was in a car accident that killed both of my parents." She starts and Paul keeps his eyes on to let her know she had his full attention.

"It was my ninth birthday and I had convinced my parents to take me to the movies. They wanted to stay home and watch a movie and have cake but I was being a brat and begged them to take me out to the cinema." She says taking a deep breath since she could feel her eyes start to sting from her trying not to cry.

"Oh our way back my dad was driving but it was dark and the rain was coming down hard so to make sure I didn't get scared he started singing really badly to the radio and my mom was laughing before she joined him making me laugh too. But then a fucking drunk driver driving on the wrong of the road hit our car head on killing my parent instantly and left me all alone." She says tears now freely falling from her eyes.

"It's all my fault, I should have never convinced them to got to see a movie I should have just stayed home." She says but Paul stops her.

"No hey listen to me, it is not your fault okay you couldn't have known that as going to happen." He says now bring her into his lap placing his forehead on hers.

"But I."

"No, it wasn't your fault, you hear?" He says and Ava nods before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. It shocked him since she never kissed him first but he went along with it.

Their kisses became harder and hungrier and Ava tugged the back of Paul's hair making him groan into her mouth. Ava then pushes him down getting on top of him and lifting his shirt making him grab her hands.

"Hey baby wait a minute."

"Why, you don't want me?" She asks and Paul just lifts her so he can hold her in his chest before speaking.

"I do, god you don't know how bad I want you. But I want you to be ready, and I want it to be special to both of us." He says softy stroking her hair and she nods in approval before looking up and kissing him one more time.


Authors Note:

Hello my beautiful being! Thank you for reading this weeks chapter! I hope you all have a wonderful, fantastic day. See you next week.

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