The love that healed him(edited)

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Trigger warning: cutting, attempt suicide and blood
•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~Narrator's POV
Barnacles knew how and when he was going to end his life. It has been six weeks. Barnacles has been cutting more and deep. Kwazii's arm and leg was healed.

Everyone was happy. But concerned about their Captain. Especially Kwazii. But today he was going to confess his feelings towards the snow white bear.

Kwazii's POV
Ok. Let's see. Uh. Hey Barnacles. I have something to tell you.... No no. Uhhhh. UUUURGH!!! I can't do this. Let me ask the girls....

"Hey girls. I need your help." I said. "Are you finally asking Captain out!?!" Dashi exclaimed. "Uuuuh yeah?" They squeal and run in all sorts of directions and gather up things.

I think I made a mistake.....

•°•°•°A few moments later bought to you by Captain's adorableness•°•°•°•

I opened my eyes and saw that I was wearing a suit well groomed and some waterlilies in my hand.

"Perfection" Tweak says. They both do an high five. I just stare in awe. I looked so good!! "Now let's practice on how your gonna ask him out." Tweak says.

"Ok. Imagine that I'm Captain. And ask me out." 'Ok Kwazii. You can do this.' "Captain. I have something to tell you. I have been in love with you since I joined the Octonauts. So, will you be my boyfriend?" "PERFECT!" Dashi says.

(TW: suicide attempt)
Now time to test this out. I look around the Octopod trying to find Captain. I finally found him. But not how I imagined him. He was bleeding from his arms. And panting. I quickly rush forward to catch him in time.

"Captain! Look at me. Keep your eyes open. Don't close your eyes." I pick him up Bridal style and rush to medbay. "Peso!! I need your help!! Captain is bleeding!!" I shout.

Peso guided me to the stretcher and tells me to wait outside. I wait for half an hour. The Peso came out tired. "Thank god you bought him here at the perfect timing! If you were a little late he would've died!" He said. "Can I see him?" I asked. "Sure but don't wake him up. He is tired." He said and I went inside.
(TW end)

I saw him attached to a syline of blood. My heart ached to see him like this. I sat beside him and waited for him to wake up.

Barnacles POV
I woke up to see Kwazii sleeping holding my hand tightly as if he let go I'll die. Why dose he care so much about me? Why won't be just let me die?

"Oh thank god your awake!!" Kwazii said sounding releaved. He helped me sit up. "I was so worried about you!!! Please don't do that again. I can't lose you....." He said as his ears lowered.

It hurt so bad. That's when I broke into tears. Then two arms slightly smaller than mine wrap around my waist and hugged me close. I buried my head in his shoulder and cried until I had no more tears.

"I'm sorry..... I just can't take it anymore...... It hurts so much...... I can't take it anymore....... The nightmares, the deaths...... It hurts........" I just let it all out.

After a while I managed to calm down. Kwazii was still hugging me. It felt safe. I really do love him, don't I.....

"Hey captain... I have something to tell you..... I-I love you" I couldn't believe my ears. He loves me. HE LOVES ME BACK!!!! I never felt so happy before.

"Captain?" "I love you too!!!" I blurted out. He let go of me and held my face in his hands.... Next thing I knew.... He kissed me. I happily kissed back.

"So uh. Will you be my boyfriend?" Kwazii said breaking the kiss. "Of course!!!" I said, in tears. But this time of happiness.....

~The end~
So. How is it? I guess I should end it here! Do you guys want an eproluge?( Is that how you spell it?) I will be glad to make one for you guys!

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