Chapter 19

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I could hear the soft snores of my friends all around the dormitory, and I slipped out of bed and headed down to the great lake. There was almost always someone else already there, but as I got closer, I came to realise it wasn't Nev like usual. It was Hannah.

"What happened?" I asked her, sitting down. She looked at me.

"What do you mean?"

"Yesterday, at dinner,"

"We've all spoken to everyone. Many people were willing to give you another chance once we'd spoken to them properly. It was a bit hard convincing Malina and Teddy, but we got there. But your friends, they switched back so easily. We didn't need to talk to them, at all. They were willing to go back, they just needed time to process everything. They feel really bad, especially Olivia. Just make sure to show them a little love, alright?"

I nodded.

"Why is it that you and Taya have to end up finding out every little thing and are always the ones to fix the problem?"

She shrugged.

"No clue,"

Then she left, and I was left alone with my thoughts and the giant squid.



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