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Louis POV

When I woke up I was no longer cuddled into Harry's chest, but moved to back to my bed and Harry was missing from the room. I figured his kindness wouldn't last any longer. I was surprised he had any kindness in him to begin with so really I should be thankful. I must admit though, I do miss being in his arms. Don't get me wrong, he's an asshole, but he sure knows how to cuddle. Plus I haven't had a boyfriend in a really long time and it felt nice to have another guys arms wrapped around me, especially a guy as hot as Harry.

My last relationship was when I was 16. He was a Ravenclaw named Jared and he was a really great boyfriend. On the other hand he was way too smart considering he was always correcting me and throwing pointless facts at me, it got very annoying very fast. I've dated guys in Ravenclaw, Huffelpuff, and Gryffindor, but it's just never worked out. I've never dated a Sylitherin for obvious reasons, plus I could never get along with one anyways.

After wallowing in self pity for a good five minutes over my lack of a boyfriend I finally got myself to get out of bed. I didn't have anything to do today so I figured I could hang out with Liam and Niall if they weren't busy. If I'm guessing right Liam will be studying when I visit him and Niall will be playing video games. I'm especially glad it's the weekend so that I could change into my normal clothes and not my robes. I was wearing black skinnies, black vans, grey beanie, and a long sleeved maroon top.

I exited my room and began my journey to Niall first. I didn't even have to make the entire walk before I collided with another body. Looking up I saw non other than Liam and Niall.

"I was just going to get you guys!" I said in shock.

"Well Liam just came to get me thinking we should hang out, and we were just on our way to your room. Looks like Liam had us beat." Niall said as he continued to walk, just expecting us to follow.

"Well doesn't Liam always have us beat?" I skipped after him. I know wow skipping, I'm a child at heart okay, don't judge me.

"So where do you think we should go?" Liam jumped into the conversation.

"I was thinking we could all head down to the leaky cauldron, get us some butterbeer?" I asked which I knew they would agree to. We had all turned 18 recently and were very excited to be able to drink.

"Definitely! Maybe we can finally find you a guy while we're out, don't you think Lou?" Niall gives me a smirk.

"Listen, I know I've been single for a while but I haven't stooped so low that I'll have you as my wingman Niall." I let out a huff, giving him a glare.

"Why? What's wrong with me being your wingman?" I know he knows what's wrong but I'm glad to remind him.

"Hmm, maybe because the last time you said you'd be my wingman I told you I thought a guy was hot and would totally let him fuck me, and you yelled to him across the restaurant saying I wanted his dick." Niall immediately bursted out in laughter.

"Oh c'mon you know that was hilarious. In all seriousness you did get the guys number." Niall gave me a pat on the shoulder.

"Well sorry to tell you that I'm looking for a real relationship, not a one night stand." I remember that guy clearly and yeah he was a good fuck, but I want an actually relationship this time.

Niall pretended to be offended that I didn't want his help before turning to talk to Liam. I just walked silently beside them as we got closer to the leaky cauldron. Passing through Diagon Alley I noticed a fair amount of students spending their day off here as well. To be honest I spend most of my time at Hogwarts, not feeling the need to come here to the shops and be taunted by all the things I can't afford.

On e arriving at the leaky cauldron, we found a small table in the corner were we could rest for a minute from the long walk. Don't judge us were not the most fit lads to be honest. Well it's kinda just me that's out of shape a bit, Niall and Liam just sit with me so I don't feel like a loser. They get to play Quidditch year round to stay in shape. As for me all I've got is football in the summers and even then I don't have much time for it because of studying for the next year. I know, I'm a dork.

Liam eventually left the table to order us some beer, and Niall and I started to have a chat.

"So, see any cute boys round here?" Niall teased.

I huffed and scanned the room. I saw a few pretty decent guys but my eyes almost popped out of my head when I spotted Harry. Of course he would be here.

"So....." Niall tried to get my attention back.

"Oh umm, yeah there's a few decent guys." I told him. Niall was about to say something when Liam came back with our beers distracting him. Once again I stayed quite just sipping at my drink while they talked. I couldn't stop glancing over at Harry, I still felt a little weird about the whole cuddling thing this morning. After glancing over for about the 10th time he caught me. Shit got real awkward when we made eye contact. I could visibly see him get a little uncomfortable and squirmy, although I'm not to sure why. We both looked away quickly, trying to ignore the awkward tension in the room.

"So Lou, you said you saw some penitential guys in here? Why don't you go start up a conversation with one of 'em?" Niall suggested.

"Yeah I guess I don't see why not." I sighed and stood up. I looked over to were I had seen a boy I found particularly attractive. He was sitting at the bar so I took the seat next to him giving him a smile.

"Hi, I'm Louis." I said. I'm really hoping I'm not making a fool out of myself and flirting with a straight boy....it's happened before.

"I'm Logan, nice to meet you Louis." He replied while scanning me over. Yep definitely gay. We continued having a conversation in which I found out he's a year younger than me and a Gryffindor as well. I wonder why I've never seen him around. During our conversation Harry and I had made eye contact a few times. Probably because he wasn't looking away, stating is the best way to put it. He almost looked angry, which is strange because he doesn't look to be mad with any of the friends he's with.

I was to feel uncomfortable with his staring so I figured it was time for me to make my move on Logan.

"So Logan, what do you think about going back to my room?" I asked leaning closer and giving him a smirk.

"I would love to." He said quickly grabbing my hand as we stood up. I gave Liam and Niall a look letting them know I'm leaving. When we passed Harry on the way out his eyes were burning a hole into the spot where Logan had moved his hand onto my lower back almost touching my butt. I'm not sure what his problem is, he's been acting weird all day.


Sorry I can't believe it took me this long to update! I was supposed to update this last Friday!! Im so off track, I'll try to actually update every Friday. I tried making this chapter a little longer. I hope you enjoyed. Ily x


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