Kidd x Reader {Scarefest} AU

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Kidd's Pov

When was this girl going to stop annoying the hell out of me? They had been arguing like this for the past hour and I was growing fucking sick of it. "Killer give it back! How the hell am I supposed to scare the shit out of the trick or treaters if I don't have a weapon!? Kidd, don't just sit there get off your ass, and help me!" There was always something I found attractive about (Y/n) but right now I wanted to toss her ass out the nearest window. "I'm not getting involved with your fights anymore (Y/n). If you want a fucking knife then take mine"

"Nooooo! I want my knife you asshole!" Why did (Y/n) always have to be so stubborn and hardheaded? If I didn't love her then I would have killed her myself years ago but unfortunately, this was the girl I had to put up with through better or worse. "Crazy bitch sit down and shut up!" The moment (Y/n) eyes widened I knew I had fucked up but it wasn't until she started to back away did, I get a verbal reaction from her. "Ahh! Kidd yelled at me!"

It didn't take long for her to start running out of the room, although the girl was banned from doing. "(Y/n) don't run in the house you're going to trip and hurt yourself. Killer, go make sure she doesn't fall I don't want my kid to end up injured" With (Y/n)'s pregnancy I had noticed she liked to make me worry on purpose but I tried my best not to yell at her. Sometimes I could hold back however if she pushed enough I just couldn't. "Protective as always Kidd... I'm not giving her the knife back so don't even ask. That girl can't be trusted with anything sharp and you know it"

"Shut up Killer"


25 Minutes Later...

(Y/n)'s Pov

As I watched the bedroom door move slightly with each time Kidd's fist connected with it, I just allowed my smile to widen before I leaned farther into the pillows. "(Y/n) open the fucking door! I know you can hear me and I expect an answer to my question!" I was so glad that I decided to install that seastone lock to the bedroom door, but I was sure Kidd would only end up breaking the whole thing down with enough force. "What did you do this time (Y/n)? Kiddo sounds more pissed off than usual. Oh, Hawkins can you bring me that apple pie I left in the fridge?... Thank you"

Once I knew Hope was paying attention, I started to tell her exactly what I did but I found it extremely hard to hold in my laughter. "I super glued all his tools to the garage ceiling. Trust me it was quite the sight to see his face light up like a tulip. Hehhehheh. Are you coming to scarefest tonight?" I knew my doctor didn't suggest I attend this year but fuck him I wasn't going to let this pregnancy hold me back from having fun. "Are you?" I could hear the doubt in her voice though ignored it as I slide off of the bed and headed for the door. "Of course, I am it's my favorite event and it only happens once a year. Why do you ask?"

"No reason but yes I'll be there tonight... I gotta go my pies here! Talk to you later! Bye-bye" Before I reached for the doorknob, I tossed the phone over to the bed and started to twist the knob. I thought the coast was clear but the moment the door was opened I locked eyes with Kidd who was sitting on the ground. "About fucking tim- (Y/n) where in the hell do you think you're going!?"

Kidd would never hurt me on purpose though at times his eyes told a different story. "That isn't any of your damn business Kidd. Where are your car keys?" Yelling anymore today would only result in my throat hurting like hell in the morning but my voice was still stern as I held my hand out. "Why do you need my keys?"

"You haven't fixed my car yet and I'm going to my brother's house so you can't annoy me for the rest of the day" I knew how Kidd felt about my older brother but that was why I was heading over there and if he didn't willing give me the keys than I'd just have to give him a call. "N-No, don't do that (Y/n)! Your brother already hates my guts!" Silly Kiddo was overreacting like always although maybe there was some truth to what he had said. "Law doesn't hate you, Kidd... He just doesn't like the fact that you're dating me"

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