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With that George's face turned red and the three of us started laughing till our stomachs hurt.


The sky grew darker

The time grew closer

The date was in place

The boys were getting ready for our mystery group date. And I was struggling to put on my dress, I didn't have any dresses but I had a few from college. They were a bit on the shorter to knee length size but I still felt sexy as hell in them. The dress was a sapphire blue and reached my knees, it was tighter at the top but still breathable. The top had a ribbon-is piece that wrapped around the waist and cut off at the shoulders leaving a collar to "hold up" the rest of the dress. The bottom of the was loose and dangled right above the knees. It was a high quality and one of my nicest dresses so it was really comfortable. The zipper in the back was relatively easy but the collar was giving me trouble. 

"Y/n you almost ready?" Clay was at the bathroom door.

"Yeah just come in and help me with my dress please"


The door opens and his eyes sweep all over me taking the sight of me in, "Oi pissbaby my eyes are up here"

"Yeah but your body looks really good"

"Oh shut up and help me"

"Yes ma'am" he says and does a little salute as I turn so he can clip the collar for me. He seemed to also have a bit of trouble but he finally gets it clipped. 

"Thank you Cla-" I was cut off with lips on mine, I smile and kiss back before quickly pulling away and walking down to join the others. 

"What took so long jeez"

"My dress was being a bitch"



Loud fast footsteps were heard rushing out to where we were, "I'm here, I'm here lets go" With that he walked straight past us and went to the door. I just shrugged and followed with the two boys behind me.

Clay walked around to the drivers side of the car, "Hey no, nope, get in back"

"It's my car, just tell me where were going?"

"Nope just get in the back"


"Nope get your ass in the back of the car"


Sapnap and George share a look and race to the passenger seat Sapnap winning by a good 3 seconds. "Ha, loser" George reluctantly gets into the back of the car and Sap get into the front happily doing a little dance to celebrate his victory. 

"Okay so, I need all of you to put on blind folds"

"What?" Clay and Sap said at the same time.

"Yeah just put it on"

"Wait why isn't George surprised?"

"Well he found out when I didn't want him to so he doesn't have to wear a blind fold"

"Well that's unfair" Sap says as he pouts and crosses his arms. 

"Well get over it you big baby"

I pull out some pieces of fabric and hand both Clay and Sap one, reluctantly they put it on and sit back preparing themselves for a ride that they hope they'll survive. 

The drive was nice and smooth getting there rather quickly, I park the car and hop out signaling George to do the same.

"Were here!"

George walks around to Sap's door and helps him out keeping the blindfold on. I help Clay out giving him a quick peck on the cheek as I lead him over to where Sad and George are. Right in front of us was the front doors, the Taco-bell sign clearly visible from where we were standing. George and I move in front of the boys standing in front of the doors. 

"Okay you can take the blind folds off!"

They untie the knots carefully as to not pull any hair out, "Y/n"

"Yes Clay?"

"Are we seriously as Taco-bell?"

"I'm pretty sure that I read the sign right, did I take us to Carl's jr. on accident?" I turn around to check the sign even though I knew it was right. 

"Omg, you're so dumb"

"Hush hush, lets eat"

Sap eagerly went inside and ordered George right behind him. I walk over to Clay who had his arms crossed and an annoyed look on his face, linking my arm with his I pretty much drag him along behind me as I walk in and order for the both of us. 

We all sit down and talk about anything that comes to mind, we got some weird looks because of how we're dressed but we all laugh it off and make the night ours going to a park to watch the sunset, staying up star gazing, talking about anything and everything.

It was pretty much the most perfect day I could ask for.

Word count - 791

Hehehhe 2 updates in one night and who know when the next one will be


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