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𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

Sometimes you'd forget

forget that the space wasn't filled with all beauty 

There's always something malicious hidden discreetly in something so beautiful , like a black hole who always wanted more and more . You compared yourself to it in some ways . Sometimes you'd let your own thoughts wander and overpower your logic and you'd let yourself believe things that you would usually push off to the side . 

You'd crouch in the corner of your room and hug your knees close to your chest as you let your own fears become real inside your own head . Usually you wouldn't be able to move nor speak while in that state , it's as if your own mind had locked itself in this terrible nightmare and there's no way out .

Your room would become a place of caution as the tears that glided down your cheeks made booming sounds as it collided with the cold floor . Your mind was the vacuum that was sucking you into the darkness you would like to call -Imagination.

endless and endless imagination.

Sometimes it would get so bad to the point where you would scream and claw at your own skin because there's nothing else you can do to get out , to cry for help , to tell someone that you're scared .

scared of oneself 

But , there were some days where you would be completely blank , where you would get lost in your own mind , not in a good way but not necessarily in a bad way . 

Like a blank canvas that had no artist that wanted to paint it 


So sometimes you are like the space 

But the space was littered with beautiful things ;stars , moons , galaxies , planets , aliens? perhaps. 

You had those kinds of things ,too


He was the stars that were scattered all over your darkness , pulling you out of it and telling you that you're beautiful and that everything's going to be okay . He was the moon that accompanied you wherever you went , by your side when you need and don't need him . 

He was the galaxy that held more in it . He always had more to offer to you and those surprises that you couldn't wait to find .

He was the planet that declared you his sun , orbiting around you like you're the only thing in the center of his world . 

He was the only artist that wanted to paint that empty and blank canvas 

He was your astronout in shining armour , ready to save you when you're falling down the black hole 

𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙝𝙪𝙜𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙤𝙣

People around you often gave strange and weirded out looks when you said that your role model is the moon.

To look up to such inanimate object that is often overlooked and taken for granted is not a common occurrence , however you could only note that the moon was such a pure being -nothing like any of the people you had ever encountered before in your life.

To be such a plain and bland object , and yet ; also to be so beautiful and magnificent at the same time . It goes unnoticed by many , and was only spared a glance once a month when it has reached its peak , or if it's color began to change drastically.

But the moon didn't shine because it feels unappreciated , the moon picks and chooses who it shines for .

For those who moongaze every night , for those whom camera rolls are filled with albums and photos of the moon . The moon shines brightly only for a select few , but it's happy like that.

But , the moon did not work alone - It's partner in crime and long life accomplice was always watching nearby . The sun is the most largest and most famous object in the entire solar system . Without it's contribution , the moon wouldn't have been able to shine

Just like him.

Wilbur always has a way of brightening up even the darkest of days; wether it means serenading you in the empty park after a long hard day of work , or breaking into your apartment building with a bottle of wine in hand , his presence was enough to heal your soul .

He somehow maneuvered his way into a very special place in your heart -irreplaceable.

You loved how observant he was , how he noticed every single thing about you and you loved how your hands fit perfectly when intertwined with his ; how his thumb would gently caress your palm as you both walked hand in hand down the street , wether he was consciously doing it or not .

You loved the butterflies that abruptly appeared in your stomach whenever he said your name , that deep yet honey like voice making you shiver at your fingertips .

He was the sun to your moon .

You loved it

And you wouldn't have it any other way.


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