Chapter 5: a new home

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3rd pov

We see arisu and usagi on chairs with the executive members infront including Y/n who has now the wristband of the number 5

Ann: so you're the supposed arisu hm?

Arisu: y-yes i am

2: y/n here say you can solve any game since he says you were a gamer before all this

Arisu: that is true yes

Arisu was nervous since he didn't experience anything similar to this happen to him before

Ann: so i am sure you both are aware of our and what our objective is and you have questions

Arisu and usagi nodded since y/n already informed them of this

Arisu: what is this games and where is everyone

Hatter than opened the door

Hatter: where indeed, we have the answers you are looking for

Hatter went to their chairs and looked at them

Hatter: welcome to oasis known as the beach

There was a moment of silence before hatter started laughing and raised his hand to the wall

Hatter: here....... is your first answer

He snapped his fingers and his two guard went to the wall and pushed them aside showing a wall with all 52 cards with most of them crossed out and the face cards untouched

Hatter: allow me to enlighten you, these cards, these cards are the only way to end your nightmare, to clear the games you must collect all of the cards

Arisu: collect of the cards?

Usagi: if we collect all of the cards will the world we once knew return?

Hatter: it's not the world that will return, only one person can return to the normal world

Arisu: only one

Hatter: it's impossible for one person to clear all the games and collect all 52 cards, they could not do this alone, that's suicide, that's we united as one and to allow one person to leave that is the beach' objective, you've been given good cards i hear from now on let's play together united as one and collect the remaining cards together

Arisu: what if we say no?

Hatter: you can't say no

He holds out arisu' paper which counts how many days he has left which is only one

Hatter: your visa expires today, seems like you have to join us

He drops arisu's sheet

Usagi: if we help you you're saying we can end the game

Usagi looks at hatter

Usagi: will the world return?

Hatter stands up and walk

Hatter: can't answer that for certain but there are signs of it being true everyone in this room long before you entered the game has been searching this country

Arisu: what do you mean this country?

Hatter: visa's have been issued there for we are in another country. It seems that the people of tokyo haven't all disappeared like we have, we wonder, have we been somehow tranfered to another country if we have there must be a way to return

4: so together all of us built this small organization

Ann: electricity is powered by a fueled power generator, we use rain water for our water supply

Y/n: we got our firearms from the living and the dead however only a select few are allowed to use them

2: our goal here is to collect of the cards together

Hatter: and in this paradise, this beach we only have 3 rules which i am sure y/n already told you about

Arisu: yes we are aware

Hatter: good that's good

Hatter then grabbed arisu's cards and jumbled through them and whistled as he walks to the wall

When he saw a missing card he laughed and held up a seven of hearts

Hatter: the seven of hearts the cards are with us one of us is one step closer to leaving this country we thank you, rest assured that we will consider promoting you two

He opened his arms wide

Hatter: and now enjoy the beach and whatever you desire, y/n give them their passes and their swimming outfit

Y/n: you got it hatter, come on you two i have some friends to introduce you two


I helped them to the changing rooms and let them change to their swim outfits

Usagi: hey y/n

Y/n: yeah?

Usagi: could i wear a hoodie over my swimming outfit?

Y/n: sure

Usagi: thanks

After that i decided to radio niragi to meet at the bar

Y/n*radio*: niragi you there?

Niragi*radio*: i'm here bro what do you need?

Y/n*radio*: i was wondering if you wanted to meet my friends

Niragi*radio*: ok it's boring here anyway

Y/n*radio*: meet us by the bar over and out

Niragi*radio*: rog'

I put away my walkie talkie and as soon as i did arisu and usagi finished changing

Y/n: come on i got a friend i want to introduce you to

Arisu: ok

Usagi: sounds great

Me, arisu, and usagi go to the bar and saw the people having a party while most of them are doing the dirty, we went to take a seat where the drinks are. I ordered a vodka cocktail, arisu ordered some rum, and usagi ordered some sake.

When we received our drinks i saw niragi and samura looking for me i raised my hand and called their name over, they saw me and ordered some drinks and sat next to us.

Niragi: sup man these are the two you wanted to introduce us too ?

Y/n: yeah, arisu here is the brains he can figure out a game in a matter of seconds, he was a gamer in the world

Arisu: nice meet you you must be niragi y/n told me alot about you

Arisu said holding out his hand to shake niragis, which he accepted due to him being impressed with arisu

Niragi: and she is?

He pointed at usagi

Y/n: her name's usagi she is our eyes and survivals expert

Usagi: nice to meet you

Niragi: same to you

He nodded at usagi

Niragi: your smart bud

Y/n: same to you man

Y/n: hey how about we get WASTED!!!

Niragi, arisu, usagi, samura and everyone nearby yelled yeah in agreement

(Sorry this took awhile i was busy and was losing )

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