Chapter 3

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The next day Lucy and Natsu were packed and

ready to go. Lucy wasn't sure how she should feel.

She thought it would be fun to go to Rio, but with

Natsu? The two of them sat awkwardly in the taxi

until they arrived at the airport. What was wrong

with him? He looked like he was going to be sick.

Lucy jumped out of the taxi the second they got to

the airport in fear of Natsu's possible projectile.

She grabbed her bags and walked away leaving

Natsu to blunder behind her.

As they boarded the plane Lucy took out the paper

of their trips details. The first thing she noticed was

they only had a single room with one bed. Great.

She hoped Natsu like the floor. Next she saw they

had unlimited buffet access and TV channels. They

even got a small private beach. Maybe it wouldn't

all be bad. The plane took off and she heard a

whine. Looking over to the seat next to hers Lucy

saw Natsu. His cheeks were puffed up like he was

going to barf and he gripped the seat with white

knuckles. His motion sickness must be bad. What

am I thinking? She asked nobody. Why do I care?

Let the asshole suffer. She leaned her head back

and decided to get a nap. After a while Lucy woke

up with a warm feeling on her shoulder. She looked

up and saw Natsu sound asleep on her shoulder.

For a second it was sweet. Then she realized it

was Natsu. She quickly pushed him off causing

him to wake up with a start. Lucy glared at him but

he didn't return it. For the first time ever he just

sheepishly backed away in his seat, his eyes still

sleepy and his hands clutching his stomach again.

He looked so pathetic she thought.


The second the plane landed Natsu jumped up,

grabbed his and Lucy's stuff, then her hand and

ran out the plane door. Despite her and many other

protests he rocked out of the plane in pure joy.

Until Lucy kicked him in his, erm, place.

"Baka!" she yelled at him.

"S-Sorry," he quietly said, "I just real bad motion

sickness and I wanted to get out."

Lucy just grunted in annoyance and walked away

from him, stomping her feet as she went. Natsu

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