"Are you y/n l/n..?"

You turn startled at the voice to see a rat looking thing. You scrunch your eyebrows immediately putting up your guard causing the mood to drastically change, "who are you?"

The rat thing laughed and stated, "I am Principal Nezu, I apologize for startling you but I can see that you are already going to be an amazing hero." Your eyes widened at that information as you started apologizing, he laughed and told you it was okay.

You grabbed your luggage and kinda struggled to pick it all up. Principal Nezu looked over at you, "do you need some help.. you look like you kind of brought a lot of stuff." You looked at him waiting for you and started to feel rushed but you didn't wanna be a bother so you just replied, "no thank you I got it."

You had made the decision to summon a little helper, you thought for a second... "who would be the most efficient in this situation?" Then it hit you, a Griffin. It would be perfect for this little task, so you placed your bags down which sparked a hint of curiosity in Nezu. You disconnected yourself from this world and called upon Cheimon (one of your many griffins) into your safe space, asking her to help you out. She eargly accepted as she was kind of a hyper griffin but nonetheless one of your favorites, she was just a little naughty at times.

While you are in your safe space your eyes roll back into your head and purple completely covers/fills your eyes glowing, as you stand stationary. Though this only last for like a minute real time you could be in your safe space for hours as you can also change the time to time ratio, it was like a dimension in between both worlds.

When the purple fades and your eyes starting rolling back to its original position the creature you summoned comes out of your body usually it's your back but they'll come out anywhere from your body. Nezu watched as the Griffin started to appear out of your back until it was fully emerged from you.

Cheimon started flying around you in circles as you laughed at her. You asked her to help you pick up the two bags while you had the rest, she whistled at you knowing that she was agreeing. She flew down besides you and effortlessly picked up the bags with her claws as you bent down for the suitcase and rest of the bags.

Nezu had a small smile on his face as you approached with Cheimon. He then started explaining the rules of U.A and how U.A works. He also mentioned how everyone had already moved in and that school would start next week. You complied with his words and listened to make sure you got everything. By the time he was done talking you guys were at the dorms and Nezu said that he'll have one of the students show you around campus.

You thanked him as you walked up the steps and opened the door to the building, but when you did Cheimon zoomed past you into the dormitories. She was so fast you were kinda stunned at what just happened. You snapped out your little daze as you looked to see a bunch of people chilling in what Nezu called the commons room. Cheimon was buzzing all around the students as some were shocked, confused, and laughing.

"U-uh CHEIMON," you slightly yelled causing the group of students to look your way taking their eyes off the entertaining commotion. You gave Cheimon that look as you spoke in a stern voice, "come. here. now." Cheimon knew exactly what was up as your piercing e/c eyes shot darts at her, she quickly found her way back to your side as now everybodies eyes were on the black goddess in front of them.

You didn't even realize til' you looked up at the room and your anxiety shot up to the gods. You kind of just stood there until Nezu spoke breaking the silence. "This is Y/N L/N, your final classmate. She came here all the way from America.." when Nezu said that you saw some people's faces light up and you knew you were about to get a million questions, "Y/N."

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