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' I?'

You thought, as you sat up.

Looking around, you found yourself in a traditional japanese room filled with volleyball posters and a futon messily laying on the ground.

You were currently sitting on the wooden floor of the said room, the windows barely open, allowing little rays of the sun to peek in.
A vibration from your pocket caught you off guard. You immediately grabbed the device from your pant pocket and squinted at the screen to read the text.

'7:30 am'

Tapping the snooze button,you notice that your homescreen wallpaper had been changed.
It was no longer the picture of your pet cat Tobias, but instead a picture of 5 people in total.
They were all smiling happily at the camera, the two adult faces was what first caught your attention as they had little crinkles in their eyes when they smiled.
Then three kids all huddled up together in the middle with wide grins in their faces. The kids consisted of two older looking boys probably at the age of 7 holding a little girl in their tight embrace.

That little girl was YOU.

Eyes growing wide at the sight of your own face, you tapped your gallery icon and saw more pictures of people you didn't know.
One where a party of some sort was being held, a picture of them in a theme park, and even one where a babies face was smudged with what looked like cosmetics as if the little one had applied it on it's own face.

You were confused.

Who the heck where these people and why did they have pictures of you since diapers?
Where were you exactly?
You were definitely sure this wasn't your room , and you knew for a fact that you weren't japanese.

The door to the room burst open as a tall boy with dark brown hair that covered his eyes, barged in.

He was the other boy in the picture with you.

"Hey lazy ass, get up already! Did you not hear your alarm?!"

He yelled, loud but it didn't seem like he was actually mad. It was more of in a pissed off way.


"Mom said you have to get up before we're late for class!"

He cut you off mid sentence but was immediately smacked in the back of his head by another guy who looked exactly like him but his hair was an undercut.



"Don't yell at my little Y/N! Your the one who takes forever at bathing!"

"What the-- you treat her like a baby too much! Atleast scold her some time!"

"You can't really scold someone who's never done anything bad can you? Stop saying stupid things--"



A muffled voice stopped the on-coming argument of the two and they froze on the spot, fear evident in their faces.

"Y-yes mom!"

The guy with an undercut answered, it was already fairly obvious to you who the mama's boy was.

"C'mon Y/N, let's go eat breakfast before mom throws a newspaper at us"

"Shut up Kenji, are you seriously scared of mom?"
The one with his hair covering his eyes said.

"And you're not?" Kenji raised his eyebrows at the boy as if challenging him to say no.

"Tch! Whatever"

I Know You [K.Kenma x reader]Where stories live. Discover now