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Your eyes widened at the sight of a school you knew all too well.


D-did I shift while I was asleep again?

Is this all a dream?

You tried pinching your fore arm to test that theory, but you only ended up wincing in pain.'s not a dream?

Were you actually in Haikyuu?

Quiet whispers began in the hallway once the three of you entered, some girls staring at your brothers with adoring eyes and the other half of them staring at you.

Where Haru and Kenji famous or something?

A hand wrapped itself around your shoulders and pulled you back against a tall figure. Looking up, you saw Haru glaring at the crowd as if he was ready to bite their noses off.

"You got a problem with my sister, huh?!"

You mentally face palmed at the ridiculous face he was making. You weren't really sure how people are scared of him. He looked like the type to only bark but not bite.
Kind of like those Tsundere's you often saw in Anime shows.

"Calm down Haru, you look like a stray dog with that face"

Kenji commented and pulled you away from the boys grip, leading you through a corridor filled with classrooms.

"I know you always complain about us walking you to your class, but you've heard what the other girls say about you right?"

What was he talking about?

You resisted the urge to say no and nodded instead, going along with whatever you could grasp so that they won't be suspicious.

"We know you're a second year and that your capable of doing things on your own, but as brothers it helps us feel secure knowing that your safe from bullies and such"

Your heart melted at his speech and you couldn't help but feel thankful that Haru and Kenji were nice people.

It wouldn't be so bad to actually have brothers like them in real life.

"Especially that Kana girl, If I ever see that witch again I'm going to drag her face across the floor."

Haru growled, his hands making a choking gesture causing you to laugh slightly.

Was this how it felt to have a protective brother?

"Really now, the last time I checked you couldn't even talk back to her cause of how scared you were"

The shaggy haired male made a disgusted face at Kenji's reply.

"I wasn't scared, she had her squad with her. Who knows what she could have done to me with those blood red claws"

You snorted and crossed your arms. Something about them talking normally like this eased your mind if only a little bit.
You've never had siblings before as you were an only child, why not try and use this opportunity to tease your brothers?

"You mean nails?" You asked, your left eyebrow raised.

"Have you seen those things? They looked like it could stab a wall if she tried!"

You and Kenji laughed at his whining and continued to talk more about filler information that you definitely needed if questioned.

After some more bantering and serious talks with your brothers, you had reached your class and bid them goodbye.

I Know You [K.Kenma x reader]Where stories live. Discover now