
46 2 0

February 2013

Taehyung was immune to love, or at least that's what he told himself. He felt like love wasn't for him, and he had a valid reason to think so while he wallow in self pity for being encapsulated in these walls. He liked to fly but flying was prohibited for him.

Taehyung shifted the cup of Strawberry milkshake from his left hand to the right, about to drink and go to bed. The dorm where he lived was empty. He shared it with his band members, they were five incredibly chaotic bunch of humans. Although today, they were all gone to eat at their favourite restaurant. Taehyung stayed behind, he wasn't allowed to go with them, mostly because of his contract saying he can't be seen until he debuted.

He closed his eyes, taking a sip from his shake, a satisfying hum reserved through his throat as he took in the sweet flavour.


The doorbell rang. Taehyung turned around, the cup still in his hands. 'Hyungs are early today...' He thought while making his way to the door. 'It must be because of the rain.' The baggy jeans he wore got stuck on the corner of the table where Jin has clamped a nail for keys.


He snatched the jeans out of the hinder, tattering a small piece of the cheap material and moved quickly to the door.

"Hyung did you forg-" The lines got stuck somewhere in the back of his throat as he noticed that the boy who stood in front of him was someone he has never seen before. He was sure of it, because a face like this stranger was hard to forget as much as it was hard to find.

From the gold rings in his hands to the leather jacket that was draped on his shoulder that totally contrasted the cute beany he ore, The stranger was the epitome definition of 'charmingly cute and sexy'

The stranger (who had exceptionally pale skin in distinction to Taehyung's tanned skin) cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck, resting the unworn jacket on his arm.

"I don't think I know you?" Taehyung asked, his deep voice suddenly becoming frail. He eyed the duffel bag hung on the pretty stranger's shoulder.

"Um is this Bangtan Sonyeondan's Dormitory?" He asked, and for a few second, Taehyung went in awe of how deep and raspy his voice was.

Taehyung nodded, the drink left forgotten in his hands. He had something else to drool on at the moment.

"Right so um I'm Min Yoongi," The stranger bowed down to Taehyung, "The newly recruited member." He completed, standing straight.

"But we are already six." Taehyung retorted, feeling incredibly dumb for saying it but the bunch of butterflies that popping into his stomach right now didn't let him function coherently.

"Were." Yoongi corrected, still standing at the door. "Now you're seven."

"Wha-" Taehyung stared at the pale boy who made his way inside, pushing Taehyung slightly to the side. He placed the duffel bag on the floor and looked around at the messily cluttered place.

Due to the low budget of there company, all of the six members primarily shared only one apartment with 2 small rooms, one bathroom and one kitchen.

"It's small," Yoongi stated as he looked around.

"But I've seen worse." He completed, taking a few steps towards the younger boy. "Thank you for the warm welcome." The pale boy said before taking Taehyung's drink from his hand and drinking it on one go.

"That-" Taehyung's widen eyes at the now emptied glass that the boy shoved into his hand again, "-was mine."

"Was," Yoongi said pulling his lips into a straight line, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Taehyung felt butterflies all over again. This boy meant danger to him, Taehyung was already feeling himself go weaker.

"Who cuddles the most?" The sudden change of question left Taehyung stunned as his mouth flung open just like his eyes. "Cuddles, who gives the most cuddles in this group?" The boy repeated.

"Uh- I...Jiminie. Jimin." he lied through his teeth. Everyone knew it was him who liked to cuddle the most. Why he lied? He blamed it on the awfully awe-structing beauty of the boy in front of him. Taehyung didn't find it in him to share the bed with someone so pretty and actually sleeping. He would most likely stare at his face like a creep, as he was doing right now.

"Right. Gotta stay away from him then." Yoongi said.


"I hate cuddles." He answered and quickly asked another question. "Do you have any food left?"

At this point, Taehyung was unsure if the boy was a member or some burglar. A really good looking burglar. He shrugged his shoulder at the boy, pointing towards the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" Yoongi asked the younger. "I can make something for both."

Taehyung's mouth almost watered at the question. Due to the hangout, Jin (the only member who could cook something without burning the whole house) has gone out and the younger left alone hasn't eaten anything, although he did try to make some eggs that resulted in a mess at the sink.

"You are casual," Taehyung spoke out, without caring much at this point. The boy stopped in his tracks toward the kitchen and turned around to look at the younger. His eyes crinkled.

"Is that bad?" Yoongi asked, suddenly sounding a little nervous.

The younger broke into a fit of endearing rectangular smile. "It's new. No one does that to me."

Yoongi shrugged, continuing his path to the kitchen.

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