Chapter Six

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It was announced rather plainly, just slipped into an easy conversation as if it was the most obvious and natural thing in the world.
It was also bad timing as the two sitting opposite Viole and Agnis were sipping on their drinks at the time.
Aguero rather unceremoniously found himself splurting his coffee from his mouth all over the table in front of him, whilst Bam had managed to swallow his but was now choking and struggling to breath.
Patting and rubbing his boyfriend on his back, Aguero glared accusingly at Agnis, but Agnis continued to sip at his tea, slipping a hand under the table and gripping onto Viole’s thigh. Mainly to prevent Viole from running away, something he very clearly wanted to do right at that moment.
When Bam had recovered from his choking fit, Aguero darted up from his seat, marching around the table and grabbed his brother’s wrist. He silently pulled Agnis from the kitchen and they disappeared, presumably to one of the bedrooms to have a quiet chat.
Bam and Viole were left together in the kitchen and things had never been so awkward between them. Bam stared at his brother, utterly shocked by the news. His brother, quiet, shy and withdrawn Viole, suddenly dating Agnis who he had known for a week…
This is exactly what Bam had wanted, he just hadn’t expected it to happen so soon!
Viole hid behind his hair, twiddling his thumbs around the handle of his mug, refusing to look at his brother.
“Are you really dating Agnis?”
Bam broke the silence first, still finding the news a little unbelievable. Viole’s lips twitched and his eyes stared at the table, his mug, the kitchen counter, and he shrugged his shoulders.
“I guess…”
It was extremely uncomfortable. The room was blanketed in silence and Viole wished he was anywhere other than in their kitchen having that conversation.
The silence drew on and Viole could feel his eyes starting to sting. He was beginning to crack, thinking that Bam could see through their obvious lie, that Viole was fooling everyone, including himself. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, Bam got there first.
“I’m happy for you.”
Four simple words.
Viole’s head shot up and Bam beamed at him, genuinely happy for his brother, yet that honesty left Viole floundering.
“I was worried. That living with Aguero and me… that we’d make you lonely. That Aguero and I being together would make you lonely…”
Heart breaking. If Viole’s heart hadn’t been broken enough already, Bam was currently taking the shards and shattering them even more, with his sad yet hopeful smile. Viole opened his mouth but he wasn’t given a chance to speak.
“I really wanted you and Agnis to get along and I guess my dream came true. Although it did happen much quicker than I thought it would.”
Bam chuckled and Viole wanted nothing more than to shake his brother by the shoulders and confess everything. That the relationship isn’t real. That he’s using Agnis. That he’s in love with Aguero.
“So I’m really happy for you. Because I want you to experience this too.”
Viole was about to interrupt but the look in Bam’s eyes stopped him from speaking.
“I really want you to experience the same kind of happiness that Aguero brings me.”
Bam grinned at his brother, it was rather sentimental and full of meaning, yet Viole’s lips set in a firm line and he held in the torrent of emotions twisting through his veins. He dropped his head forward and stared into his mug.
He can’t do it.
He can’t tell Bam.
He can’t ever tell Bam that he loves Aguero.

Aguero dragged his twin through the apartment, throwing him into his and Bam’s bedroom and slamming the door shut behind them.
“What did I tell you.”
He spat the words at his brother and Agnis tilted his head innocently, smiling at Aguero.
“Whatever do you mean, Aguero?”
Pretending he didn’t know exactly what his twin was getting at, Agnis sat down on the edge of the bed and played innocent.
“You know exactly what I mean. You and Viole.”
Aguero accused Agnis, his words pointed and as sharp as a knife. 
Oooh, Viooole! You mean Viole and I dating?”
He still played slightly dumb and Aguero was starting to lose his temper.
“I told you not to play with him too much.”
“And I’m not.”
Agnis shot back at his brother’s angry accusation.
“Then what the hell is going on!?”
Obviously not believing Agnis, Aguero questioned and probed him. Yes, he had wanted Agnis to steal Viole away so he and Bam could spend time together, but not like this. He didn’t want Viole to get hurt.
“It’s a mutually beneficial relationship.”
Agnis suddenly lost interest in the conversation and explained it quite plainly. Aguero pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing exactly what his brother was like and highly doubting that explanation.
“I’m telling you the truth. He agreed to it. We have an understanding and we have decided to date. I offered and he accepted. It helps him just as much as it helps me.”
Inspecting his nails, Agnis explained the deal very vaguely. Aguero didn’t need to know that he was the reason Viole had accepted the offer.
Aguero opened his eyes and stared at Agnis, searching him and looking for any telltale signs. Agnis’ eyes flicked to his brother.
“You know I wouldn’t lie to you. I have no reason to.”
The two stared each other down for a few moments, their features betraying no emotion, until Aguero sighed and conceded.
“Fine. I don’t approve of this but if Viole is okay with it. Just… as I said, don’t mess with him too much. I don’t want him to get hurt.”
Agnis made a content noise, somewhat of an agreement, as he stood from the bed and the twins left the room. He smiled to himself thinking of Viole, his chubby tear stained face and pleading eyes and he wondered just how can he resist messing with him?

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