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I stood up from the floor and ran back to where I was. Even though I was scared, I still had a chance to help someone.

I arrived back at the place, I believe it's called a compound, near the entrance there was a little boy. He was lying on the ground, but he was still breathing. No one else was around. I quickly ran to the young survivor and shook him.

"Hey, wake up. Are you okay?" There was no response, it seemed he was out cold. I couldn't leave him here so I picked him up, and ran to the hospital.

Luckily it was so late in the night, no one was around. I quickly found the hospital and burst inside. Immediately I was flocked by nurses.

"Please he needs help."

A nurse gently took him from my arms. "You come with me as well, little miss. We can see what's under that bandage on your face and help you."

I wordlessly followed the nurse into the same room as the boy. She made me sit in a chair and began to unwrap the bandage and started working on my wound.

"What's your name sweetheart?" She asked, while cleaning my wound.

"My name is Sorey..just Sorey."

"Can you tell me what happened to you, Sorey?"

I shook my head no. I don't think this is something I should tell her.

"Alright then sweetie this might sting just a bit." I didn't know what was happening, but I felt some sort of warmth emit from her hand, my face felt all tingly as well. A few minutes passed by and she pulled away.

"Okay you're all healed. Though I am sorry to say it left a scar."

After cleaning up the nurse left me with the boy. I brought a chair with me and sat next to his bed. He was still unconscious, I could tell from the steady breathing coming from him. It was pretty late, as I was getting tired. I laid my head on the bed and soon fell asleep.


When I awoke in the morning the little boy had yet to get up. I figured I stayed away from home for too long. Mom has most likely noticed I have gone. With that I stood up from my seat and walked out of the hospital.

As I neared home, I could clearly hear the screams of my mom. Shouting that I was gone. Whoops...Well there's no time like the president. I walked up the steps of the house and made it to the door, I was a bit too scared to see mom. Of course she would start yelling at me, possibly keep me on more of a leash.

I could clearly hear everything going on in the house. Mom sounded really frustrated and scared. 

"Honey!! What do you mean she'll be fine?! Who knows where she is, she's probably out there all alone and lost! My poor baby!!!"

I could hear a bit of shuffling near the door. "I'm going out, i'm going to go look for her! If not I'll have to ask the police force for help." (Little does she know the police force has been vaporized 😭)

I wasn't quick enough to react when Mom was opening the door. Instead of walking out of the door like a normal person, Mom had walked right into me.


I hid my hands behind my back and started swaying on my two feet.

"H-Hi mom." I was suddenly encased in a tight hug, as mom sobs. Man that is one ugly cry. 


Mebuki releases Sorey from her hold. And Looks at her daughter, she smiles at her. Happy having her safe back at home. The smile soon drops as she notices something different about her appearance. The scar on her face. Mebuki knew then that something was up.

She placed a firm hold on Sorey's shoulders and spoke with a sweet tone. "Sorey? Where did you get that scar on your face? Because I know that wasn't there last night."

Sorey froze in her spot. What could she tell her mom? She turned her head the other way not wanting to talk about it at the moment. She had to think about what to say first.

Mebuki sighed and brought Sorey back inside while speaking. "Alright you don't have to tell me at the moment. Take some time to rest, but you have to tell me what happened. Okay?"

"Okay." Sorey said in a hushed whisper.

Mebuki went off to cook some breakfast, while Sorey sat in the living room trying to think about what to say. She couldn't tell her what exactly happened...or could she? She would just have to twist the story a bit.

She wasn't going to lie to her...just miss a few important things. But she did know she was going to have to tell her the truth about her training. As far as Sorey could tell, this morning wasn't going to go well for her at all.

Pretty short chapter, sorry been having a bit of a writers block! Also not so recently I've started some digital drawing!! My friend gave me her old graphic tablet, I was really excited to use it! Because for me digital drawing is easier than paper 😭 but I'm still a newbie to drawing and all. So far I'm pretty okay at drawing faces :/ heres my very first one that I did yesterday though!  I would love to have your opinions on this drawing. I take criticism pretty well, If any of you draw, I would really love it if you could leave some tips that helped you along the way of drawing. I usually reference most of the time. But as of right now I need to work on body anatomy, and I'm having trouble knowing where to start. So if any one of you could help that would be awesome! Thanks!

As for updates, I can overcome this block, I might update again👀 if I'm not to busy with school and homework!

As for updates, I can overcome this block, I might update again👀 if I'm not to busy with school and homework!

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