The mass grave!

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hello everyone. i know that this story gets a bit depressing towards the end but i thought that i would show you what some of my stories are like some are depressing, some are chessy and some are absolute rubbish, but i try my best. so here is my first short story THE MASS GRAVE! enjoy



It was a oddly dull morning, almost as if the life had been sucked out of the entire town all at once. everyone looked servely depressed, well ..... more then normal that is.

After 10 minutes it dawned on me! Today was the day that the founder's of the town chose 342 girls between the ages of 15 and 18. These unlucky girls were to be brought before the great storm god as offerings, to save the town from destruction. this happened every 10 years or so, just to make sre that we didn't run out of young girls. "F***" i whispered as i suddenly relised why people were sending me sympathetic looks, it was because i had just turned 16.

Time flew by and before i knew it, i was stood with the group of 16 year old girls. however, something was dfferent because i was infact stood with, the unfortunate 16 year olds who were known as the hailstorm offerings.

it was time for me to pass into the after life and reunite with my still born twin kayla.  i could already see the founder's slaves digging the mass grave where we would be put after it is done. it had begun and the last thing my senses noticed was... my cousin Tyler screaming as he was held back by his mother Teresa, while he was trying to save me. i will remember the the teas streaming down his face as, i drew my last breath! "Goodbye" i whispered as my eyes closed forever.


"NO!" i screamed tears streaming down my face as i watched my only cousin Amy being killed! It was only when erica and isaac (two of the founder's slaves) carried Amy's lifeless body to the grave, did i relise that she was gone and she was never coming back.

Later on that day the town had a nice funeral for the girls and i went and sat on the very edge of the grave closest to Amy and stared to sing a song we had always loved, "Baby,  i just ran out of band-aids, i don't even know where to start, cause you can bandage the damaged, you never really can fix a heart." by the time i had finished a crowd had started to form around me as i wasinfact holding the hand of my once cheerful cousin as i sang to her, hoping that she would hear me somewhere. "Tyler, come on leave everyone else to grieve over our loss!" i glanced at my mother from the corner f my eye, she had to be kidding. i nodded slowly and silently i got up not wanting to leave Amy. with i final look at her i walked away while whispering "GOODBYES ARE NOT FOREVER, GOODBYES ARE NOT THE END, THEY SIMPLY MEAN I'LL MISS YOU UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN!"


there you go the first of who knows how many short stories. i know this is kinda depressing but i will try and make the next one more happy/cheerful and positive if i can that is. please comment and vote.

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