Chapter 11 - The famous Freddy

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As soon as I got out to the yard, I stopped in my tracks.

Jack was standing outside with a group of guys, laughing and drinking. Just seeing him from afar did something to me. It was like a physical response, like when seeing your high school crush in the halls between classes. My legs felt like rubber and my palms started to sweat.

The only difference was that I didn't like Jack. Not really. He was strange and rude but at the same time the sight of him was like going back in time, back to a simpler time. A happier time.

I hung back, intent on observing him from afar. Even though he looked so familiar, the way he moved was different. He didn't shift on his feet like Cade did whenever he felt restless. There was a stability about his presence, like you could lean your whole weight against him and he wouldn't waver.

Then again, the way he laughed was the same. It was a sudden, loud sound that came in waves, like an echo.

But then, while one of his friends told a story, he tugged a reckless hand through his hair and moistened his lips with his tongue. He nodded often like an active listener would and took a long swing from his cup that resulted in his cheeks bubbling up before he swallowed.

None of that was familiar.

Ugh, I would never be able to wrap my brain around this.

My heart started beating faster in my chest when I saw the back of a tall brunette walk up to the group of guys. She reached out a manicured hand and grabbed Jack's ass. He jumped in response to the sudden intimacy. When he turned toward her, he flashed a toothy grin and threw an arm over her shoulders.

A few seconds later, they were making out.

I stood frozen at the other end of the lawn and I couldn't tear my eyes away from them. A hollow feeling started to spread in my chest and for a moment I thought I was going to cry again.

Then the girl pulled back and I got a good look at her face.

It was Paula, the girl who worked in the campus café and had offered to take me to a party.

I thought she had seemed really nice, but now when I saw her palming Jack's biceps all I could feel was annoyance. At least, that's what I tried to brush it off as. Deep down I knew it was jealousy. She had managed to win Jack over while I had failed miserably.

When one of Jack's friends left the group to refill his drink at the makeshift bar station, I quickly chugged the rest of my drink and followed him.

The table was littered with used plastic cups, half-drunk bottles of beer, a few mixers and a couple of bottles of hard liquor. The wooden surface was indefinitely stained by various liquids that you were probably better off not knowing what they were.

"Is there anything good here?" I asked the guy, referring to the table being passed off as a bar station.

The guy threw a bored glance over his shoulder. When he noticed me, he did a double take and plastered a smile on his face. His eyes lingered on my body for a moment before he responded.

"There's always something to drink," he said.

He looked at me up and down, not being at all bashful with the way he stared. I resisted the urge to wrap my arms around myself and forced myself to stand tall.

"Are you a dancer?" he asked, smoothening down his brown hair with a light hand.

I took a step closer and leaned a hip against the table.

"Yeah, I am."

My reply made his smile grow wider. I couldn't help but to notice how sharp his corner teeth looked. Like a wolf.

Or a vampire.

"Are you a dancer too?"


He placed a hand on his chest as if he took pride in the revelation. From the little I'd seen of him, he probably did.

"Cool. Could I trouble you to offer me a drink?"

"Of course," he said, taking my cup. "I'm Freddy."

Of course. I should have known as soon as I saw his Ralph Lauren shirt and a sweater thrown over his shoulders that this was hot frat boy with a trust fund.

"I'm Allie," I replied. "So, you're the famous Freddy?"

A light shade of pink crept up his cheeks as he handed me my new drink.

"I'm famous now? That's new. Although I shouldn't be surprised. I guess everyone within a five mile radius of Kappa Delta knows who I am."


"You've heard of me," he said, sipping his cup. "I can only assume you know Trish."

"We... met in passing."

"You met in passing," he echoed and chuckled hollowly. "And yet you've heard of me. Unbelievable."

"To be fair, I didn't hear about you from her."

"Nah, one of her minions, I would assume."

"I thought Jack was more your minion than hers."

He perked up at that. "Jack? That weasel. I should have known."

I nodded and took a sip of my drink. I tried not to wince at the sharp taste of liquor that burned down my throat.

"So, Allie the dancer," he said, shifting his body closer to me almost unnoticeably.

I definitely noticed.

"What's your story?"

I felt as if he was trying to lure me into a trap, looking into his hazel eyes, but I kept smiling.

"I moved here a few weeks ago, I'm a freshman."

"A freshman," he repeated with a sweet murmur. "Very cool. I'm a sophomore myself. How are you finding the dance program? I bet it can feel intense at first. I know it was for me when I started college. I bet you work out a lot, huh?"

"I do. Every day."

He nodded gravely. "I can tell. I do, too."

I forced my eyes to wander down his chest, noticed where his shirt had one too many buttons unbuttoned, and kept my eyes there for a moment longer than I was comfortable with.

"I can see that," I said, eliciting a pleased smile from Freddy. "What is it you do? I bet you lift a lot at the gym."

"Hey, dude, do you mind?"

Startled, I looked away from Freddy toward the voice.

It was Jack.

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