22#: The Little Things

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Summary: Arthur takes a moment to appreciate the little things in life that make him happy.


Arthur could feel the heat of the fire against his face, a nice contrast to the cold wind which surrounded them all. Gwaine, Percival and Leon were sleeping a few feet away from him, their snores some what comforting to the Prince.

Everything was comforting. The flames, the fireflies that danced around them, the successful hunting trip he had just taken...it just all seemed so lovely. He looked up at the stars and for a moment Camelot seemed at peace, he felt as peace.

Arthur looked to his right and the site of what he saw made his heart swell with adoration...

Merlin was curled onto his side facing Arthur, his arms tucked up to his chest as he slept peacefully. His black hair was slightly tossled from movement in his sleep and his face looked peaceful.

Arthur smiled at the boy, the boy he cared so much about. Everything always felt right when Merlin was around, Camelot became so much better when he had shown up, with his insults and all. If he was honest, and he meant truly honest with himself, he couldn't picture himself without Merlin either.

He felt lucky to have such a stupid, yet adorable, dumb yet so wise friend. Though he loved him as more of friend, he couldn't tell him yet. Maybe one day.

Arthur stood up from his position and walked over to Merlin before crouching down in front of him. He brushed the boys hair aside before placing a chaste kiss on his forehead.

I love you.



sorry it has been so long, school began again and i kinda lost motiviation for this book..

but im back and full of new ideas!!! and i wont be stopping this book because i am currently in my merlin phase and im really excited to get back to writing!!!

okay have a great day!! also maybe double update today ill see how much i get done :)

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