16#: What if?

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Summary: What if Arthur made dinner for Merlin in s2e2? What if Merlin was the one he kissed...not Gwen?

"You didnt even bother to ask Gwen where she was sleeping! You just assumed that the bed was yours because your the Prince, I will loyally serve you until the day I die Arthur but at least show some manners for her! Would it kill you to say please and thank you to me and her sometimes?"

The minute Merlin ended his yelling fest the boys eyes widened little, as if only just realising what he had just said.

"Anything else...you want to add?" Arthur crossed his arms and gave the boy a sceptical look.

"No...Sire." Merlin looked at the floor and shuffled his feet.

The man was silent for a moment before sighing and putting his hands in the pockets of his trousers.

"You're...completely right Merlin. I was..out of line and I should apologise to Gwen." He looked up to meet Merlins eyes which were gleaming with hope.

"And I should apologise to you. I may be rude to you, alot, but your loyalty is something not many people have shown me."

Merlin sheepishly smiled and scratched the back of his head, "I dont want you to feel bad-"

"Yes you do."

"Okay maybe a little."

Arthur chuckled and placed a hand on the boys shoulder. "How about dinner, I'll cook...to make up for how I've treated you and Gwen."

Merlin smiled, "Only if you apologise to Gwen first, then it's a yes."

The man nodded and turned to grab his cloak, well Merlins, and head out the door to go and see Gwen.


After Arthur had apologised to Guinevere he headed back to her house to cook, he wasnt sure how he would do it but he would at least try. He fetched some fresh vegetables and a chicken Gwen had left out for him and set to work. The Prince put the chicken in to cook, it only took an hour for him to figure out how but he did it, then going to boil the vegetables.

A long while later the table was set with two plates full of food, globets filled with sweet wine, cutlery, a small candle and a vase with a rose in. To Arthur it was good enough, he just hoped it was enough for Merlin.

Not that he really cared what he thought. No.

As if on cue the boy walked through the door, his cheeks rosy from the chilled breeze and hair tousled from the wind.

"Hey." He smiled and Arthur gestured to the table.

"Take a seat." He smiled shyly and sat down on the chair opposite to Arthur, looking at the plate with awe.

"You cooked this?"

"Yes, do you like it?"

Merlin picked up his fork and took a bite of the chicken as Arthur watched slightly anxious.

"That's lovely Arthur, never knew you could be such a natural chief." Merlin smiled and took a sip of the wine.

"It took me an hour to figure out how to cook the chicken."

Merlin choked on his drink and pulled back from the goblet laughing. "An hour?"

"Yes an hour Merlin." Arthur grumbled, feeling slightly offended but he couldn't help but smile at the happy look on his servants face.

The rest of the evening went smoothly, Arthur made casual conservation, taking the time to learn more about Merlins past and his childhood. They laughed and ate until they stuffed, not realising the time until Gwen returned to sleep.

"You two should be off to bed, especially you Sire, a big day tomorrow." She took their plates and placed them in the sink before bidding them goodnight.

Merlin stood up and went to attend to the dirty plates when Arthur caught his wrist. "I'll do it later, you should rest."

"Arthur I can-"

"As your master I order you to rest." Merlin looked like he was about to argue before he sighed and smiled.


He walked towards the door and pulled the latch, pausing before turning back to Arthur.

"Thank you Arthur."

"No Merlin, thank you."

The boy smiled before walking out the door. Arthur smiled and turned back to the dishes.

Now how did he clean dishes...


The next morning Arthur was tying up his cloak when the door opened, Merlin came in holding something red in his hand with a small smile on his face.

"Big day?"

"Yeah, come to wish me luck?" He joked.

"You could say that." Arthur turned and gave him an odd look when the boy stepped closer, looking nervous.

"Well I, um, just wanted to give you a token of good luck." He revealed his classic red scarf in his hand and placed it in the mans hand.

"You dont have to wear it but..I thought..well, I thought you could wear it for me."

Arthur looked at it and back up at his face, "Thank you Merlin, I shall wear it with pride."

Merlin smiled and nodded.

There was a slight pause, there was something Arthur really wanted to do but he didnt know how. Did Merlin even see him like that?

Before he realised what was happening he was already leaning in. Closer and closer until-

The moment their lips touched Arthur felt butterflies inside him, his heart ached with happiness and he felt his pulse quicken. Merlin reached up a hand to place on his cheek as he pressed his lips against the mans, it was just the two of them, together.

Arthur pulled back and stared at the boy trying to process what he had just done. Surely Merlin liked it based off of his response but what would his father do if he found out? He would never allow him to be with a servant, let alone his man servant.

Clutching the scarf to his chest he gave the boy a very faint smile, "I have to go." He said before turning and walking out the house .

He had just kissed Merlin.

He had kissed Merlin

He kissed Merlin.

...And he loved it.

I want to start doing more rewrites of episodes to merthodify them. did you see what I did there? ...no okay.

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