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''Once again...welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely; and leave something of the happiness you bring." ~ Bram Stoker

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the JIC Book Club! We are excited to say this is our first but not last book club.

If you are worried this book club might not be for you, let us ask a few questions first.

Are you a reader?

Are you a writer?

Do you want more reads?

Would you like more comments?

Do you want genuine feedback?

And lastly, do you want to try something new?

If you answered yes on more than three of those questions, this is definitely for you. The JIC Book Club was created to help everyone. Whether you are a reader in need of more stories to read or a writer in need of more feedback on their story. 

If we managed to keep your attention and persuade you this is a good idea, you may now move onto the Rules and Conditions. 

JIC Book Club(OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now