Rules and Conditions

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''Even in killing men, observe the rules of propriety.''

I am sure you do not want a big speech on how much you need to follow the rules in order for this book club to work out. Please read the rules and conditions so that the fun can begin Juniors!


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Kindness is the key folks — Growing up you probably heard the saying, 'Treat people the way you want to be treated.' (If you didn't I don't know what to tell you.) and that is a rule I value most. If we are all kind and cooperative with each other, this book club will run as smooth as a babies bottom.

Language not language — I understand everyone has their own slang and way of talking, so profanity is not banned. But there happen to be a number of Wattpaders between the ages of 12 or even 11 who may not be comfortable or not 'allowed' to use that type of language. So for the sake of the children, tone the F-bombs down a bit. Also, English stories are only accepted unless your partner(s) are comfortable with another language.

My Wonderful Juniors — Everyone is accepted as a member of the JIC Book Club. That's it. There are no rules that.

Book entries — A maximum of 2 stories is accepted for each genre you apply for. You must have at least 3 chapters. All genres are accepted. You can understand how you will be placed into your groups based on genres in the next chapter.

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Follow us kids(Or adult) - Self explanatory. We will check by the way. (I got my eye on you) Mariejuniormmk , ItSmYwAyToDoThInGs , Macyfun are not mandatory but greatly appreciated.

Add to reading list - For updates and announcements regarding your group and tasks for the week, you will need to add this to your reading list and/or library.

Shout out us on your message board - This one is not mandatory but greatly suggested. This will increase people to find this book club and more reads, comments, etc on your stories.

Fake commentary is a no-no - When you are assigned a story to read and give feedback, commenting things like, 'Nice book'! 'Great story so far!' or just a plain emoji, is not accepted. People want real comments, and it will not be counted as done for your task.

Deleting commenting is a no-no - In case you haven't found out, in book clubs readers and/ or writers tend to delete their comments on a story once it has been marked done or there on to a new story. That will not be accepted as you will have a manager watching everyone for every group. Once you are caught doing that, you will be immediately kicked out, all comments from your team members will be deleted, and you will be blocked.

Adding each other's stories, voting, etc - This is not required. You are only required to do a certain amount of things when reading a story, which is listed in the next chapter. If you want, or you genuinely enjoyed the story or chapter you can shout out that person, add their story, vote or whatever you wanted to do.

Strikes, referrals whatever you want to call them - A strike will be given if you do not complete your assignment on time and inform us about it. If you happen to have a good reason as to why you cannot complete your weekly assignments and inform us about it that is totally fine. Such as you need a break, going on hiatus, exams, your hamster died and Wattpad is not the ideal place to mourn, then that is fine. But if you are just really to lazy and only want reads but will not return you will be given a strike. Three strikes and you are out. If you happen to forget, do not fear. You will be sent a reminder 3 days before your assignment is due.

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