Before you read

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So as promised here is the book and I just wanna say some things first

As I told you guys before in the author's note I have been obsessing over this girls and can I just say that this girls went through so much.

They are such strong women and I can't believe they went through hell to get where they are now. I went on YouTube the other day and watched a couple of videos where they were being mistreated and it was just awful.

Seeing them break down for so many reasons and just ugh it makes me mad that they went through all that. Especially Jesy she went through so much and I admire her so much for staying strong and fighting through all that shit. I know what it feels like being in her shoes and I can say I am proud of the women she is today and the girls as well.

Such strong inpowering women wow.

Alright that's all I had to say you may now proceed to reading this lovely book that I hope you guys like.

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