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Taehyung was now nine months pregnant and he was big. Jeongguk would help around the house and sometimes he would even hold the baby bump so Taehyung could breath a sigh of relief.

He was supposed to deliver a week ago but the cramps never came. The pair got really worried so they went to the hospital. And were there for the last ten hours. "I feel like I'm going to explode." Taehyung grumbles as he walks around the hospital room. Jeongguk looking over the internet about what to do at the moment. After not finding anything he said fuck it and got up making his baby mama happy and not grumpy. "Come here my little pumpkin" he spread his arms and soon Taehyung was hugging him and breathing in the relaxing cologne Jeongguk wears.

"Just relax baby in a day or two our prince and princess are going to be in our arms." Taehyung nodded then his eyebrows furrowed. "What will you call me then when Violet comes. She will be your princess?" he asked with a pout and Jeongguk chuckled at the cute boy. "You will be my queen, baby mama, mommy, baby, angel, flower, petal, tiger, bear, pouty, hotty, sexy, I can go all night on how will I call you from now on." Taehyung smiled and giggled a little. He stretched a little kissing Jeongguks chin. "I love you hubby." Jeongguk smiled his bunny smile kissing his forehead. "I love you too my sexy wife." He winked making the boy blush.

That night they dance around the room with some slow music playing in the background on Taehyungs phone. They were enjoying their time before their kids came. After that night they will spend every moment with their babies.

It was bright and sunny day of the middle of January. Birds were chirping and the snow just stopped falling and now was setting on the ground waiting for kids to play around. Parents were awake making warm pancakes for their kids, so they could spend their morning outside with their friends, and they can drink a little bit without their kids present.

Everybody was having a good time wile the Jeon couple were having a rough time. Well just Taehyung. He was giving birth and it was a bitchy pain. Jeongguk was beside his bed holding his hand and he was dead sure his hand was a second away from snapping in half.

"Come on baby one more push and Taegguk is in our hands!" Jeongguk exclaimed giving Taehyung strength to continue. "You are doing great princess, come on baby, come on. For Taegguk and Violet" With one loud scream of Taehyung Taegguk was born at 9:35AM and Violet was born at 9:40AM.

Around noon the family came by to bring food and gifts as well as clothes that the pair forgot to bring for Taehyung and brought just for the kids. The parents were cradling their babies and feeding them the baby formula they learned to make. "Congratulations you two. They are beautiful just like you two." Jeongguks mom spoke looking at the babies in their hands. They were smiling the whole time. "Thank you all, and thanks for bringing my clothes mom." She smiled and nodded caressing the babies head. "Taegguk looks just like Jeongguk when he was born." Jeongguks dad exclaimed while holding the baby boy. "YES!! You own me a trip to Canada." Taehyung spoke showing his tongue to Jeongguk in a mocking way which he got back from Jeongguk too. "Yeah, yeah, we'd go to Canada either way baby." He kissed the happy boy on the forehead and they ate together. The now grandparents shushed the babies to sleep and Bora and Jaehyung took photos of them as well as Taehyung and Jeongguk.


"Go get your princess to sleep dickhead" Taehyung spoke grumpily pushing Jeongguk off the bed. "Okay okay, no need to be harsh."

"I said the same before you fucked the shit out of me. And look at me now."

"Oh stop it, you loved it, admit it."

"I will love it more if you'd listen to me and go calm your princess before Taegguk wakes up. And if he wakes up no ass for a year."

Jeongguk gulped and ran out the room to the nursery. Just as he walked in the room Taegguk started crying. He whined and the babies stopped. He smiled widely and took the two cry babies in his arms and kissed their foreheads. "Now, why would you let daddy not get mommies beautiful peach for a whole year. Oh, I get it, you want our attention." He made expression while talking making the babies giggle, and he felt his heart beat just a little bit more at the cute babies. "But don't worry my little prince and princess, through the day our whole attention is at you but when we go to sleep, mommy and daddy have to have some adult time."

He talked with the three-month old's as he fed them, they were looking at their daddy like he was the most handsome man in the world. Well he was. Telling them about how much he loves their mommy and how they will have more brothers and sisters. And with the stories the twins fell asleep with full tummies.

"Okay, are you done baby?" Jeongguk asked as he was holding the twins all dolled up. They were having a family picture day. It was Taehyungs idea and Jeongguk went with it since he can't deny his wifey. "Just a moment Ggukie." Taehyung answered while he set his hair over his forehead looking all cute.

"Okay, let's do this." He said excitedly and took Taegguk. They sat beside each other. Jeongguk smiled widely at Taehyung kissing his cheek. "You look beautiful." Taehyung blushed, and would always blush when Jeongguk complimented him. "Thank you, you look handsome too." They kissed and kissed their baby's hairs. "Okay, smile!" the camera man said and the pair smiled widely as the babies giggled their eyes disappearing at the bright giggle.

10 years later...

"Taegguk hold Eunies hand please. Violet get Yeonjun, Soobin and Kai to sit in front of the stool. Hubby please get your princesses to sit on your lap." Taehyung was losing his mind but he still had a bright smile. It was family picture day and the kids are not working with him even thought they knew about it a couple nights ago. Even if they are taking up time of the photographer, he was happy that his children didn't cry but had a lot of fun.

"Okay my babies, we will go to the amusement park when we finish this, so please listen to mommy and get into your positions." He spoke excitedly and with sparkly eyes watched as his kids went into their spots. Taegguk and Violet sat on the stool with Yeonjun, Soobin and Haneul sat in front of them, and Myung and Euna sat cutely in front of their big brothers.

Taehyung smiled brightly at his kids and stood beside Jeongguk who was looking at him with love filler eyes. "I love you baby." Taehyung smiled and blushed like always. He kissed his cheek and whisper "I love you too."

"Okay, let's do this. Smile!"

And the kids smile showing their boxy smile, with bunny teeth. It was adorable and a sight to die for. The parents smiled brightly showing their unique smiles showing that they really are the parents of these adorable babies.

After a couple, more silly pictures they were done. And as Taehyung promised they went to the amusement park. They rode the kiddy rides and played ball in the near by park. As they were eating the kids were looking at their parents feeding each other so adorably. They wished to find love just like how their parents did. The Jeon family was happy, and would stay happy until their last breath. No fights, no screaming or yelling, just calm talks and it there is a problem solve it with talking. Jeongguk and Taehyung did raise their kids just right.

"I love you Jeon Jeongguk."

"I love you Jeon Taehyung."

The end

Thank you for ready hope you enjoyed it.

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