chapter one

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Your heart beat as you stumbled on the road. Tears rolled down your cheeks, some landing in your mouth. A salty and warm liquid that you hardly ever shed. Why were you crying? You just got dumped. On your 3 year anniversary. James, your ex, showed up to the restaurant with a 'side hoe', as he called her. Your heart was broken. You loved that man with every bone in your body. He was the only person that could make you happy. You smiled a lot less recently, considering James was away often, hardly ever at home. You spent hours cleaning and cooking, only for him to come home at 11 pm, blackout drunk. No cuddles, no kisses, no sex. He never asked for sex. You asked while he was home, sober, and he kept denying it. His sexual needs were being fulfilled by someone else. Tears ran down faster at the thought of the precious moments you two spent together.

Although you might be in texas, you shivered. The tears only made you colder. Around you, the only light was from the moon. It wasn't much, as you stumbled on a twig or tripped on a hole in the road. A sudden wave of tiredness washed over you, making you stumble in your tracks. You figured it was just the tears making you drowsy.

You could hardly keep your eyes open. Your body was stopping, even though you wanted to keep going.  You finally collapsed on the ground, the warm surface hitting your cold face, making you pass out almost immediately.


Your eyes opened. It was dark, and cold. You tried to pull up your arm to wipe your face, but restraints kept you from moving your arm. Sharp pain filled your head, your eyes going blurry. You shivered, looking around. Meat hooks and knives were everywhere. A chainsaw was laid out next to you. Dried blood, and some fresh, splattered beneath you. You shivered at the thought of who's blood it was.

Heavy footsteps came from the staircase. You cowered into the corner, trying to stay hidden, out of sight. A second noise came from the staircase, what sounded like a man in distress. He was yelling, begging to be set free. You watched the large figure take the man to a meat hook, impaling him in hiw upper right back. You flinched at the sight. A loud yelp, and more crying came from the man. The large figure began looking around. His eye's met yours, then moved down to the chainsaw next to you. He began walking towards you. Your eyes widened as you cowered more, your breathing sped up. His large frame got closer to you, about a foot away, and he picked up the chainsaw, revving it infront of you. You prepared yourself, ready for the chainsaw to slice you in half. But, it didn't. He walked away from you.

You watched as the chainsaw was inserted into the mans bust. Slowly moving upwards, the mans screaming slowly died down. He was dead. You just witnessed a murder. The large man slowly walked up to you. You flinched as he brought up the chainsaw to your face. What did he want you to do? The chainsaw pressed against your face. You looked up to the mans face, blank, no expressions.

The blade was cold against your skin. Fresh blood dripped down your face. He obviously wanted you to do something. But what? You just stared up at his icy blue eyes. Oh, his beautiful eyes. You could stare at them for ages. No. You can't think like this, what's wrong with you? He just murdered someone infront of you, and now he was going to murder you. Only one idea came to your mind.

You stuck out your tongue, and ran it across the blade of the chainsaw, looking him straight in the eyes. His eyes widened, and he pulled the chainsaw back in shock. You kept your mouth open, showing the blood on your tongue. He took a couple steps back, letting go of the chainsaw, dropping it on the floor. You finally closed your mouth and visibly swallowed. He hesitated before backing up, and going up the stairs. You finally relaxed a bit, knowing you weren't going to die at the moment.


Thomas' face was burning up. The sight of you doing that, made his chest knot up. He went into his room, and shut the door behind him. He opened his bathroom door, and took off his mask. Turning on the tap water, he looked at his maskless face. The overwhelming feeling of disgust washed over him. He simply risned his overheating face with cold water. What was he doing to do with you, and why were you making him feel this way?

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