famous birthdays

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Poppy Hatfield Social Media Influencer Birthday: April 5th, 2000Age: 19Zodiac: Aries

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Poppy Hatfield
Social Media Influencer
Birthday: April 5th, 2000
Age: 19
Zodiac: Aries

Poppy is a youtuber with 300,000 subscribers. She has an Instagram and tiktok account. Both have over 250,000 followers. She is in a content group called "Cali Bums"

Before Fame
Poppy was in multiple school musicals and started acting at age 9.

Poppy has a huge love for animals. As a child, she had 3 dogs and 4 cats.

Poppy is the youngest of 5 older brothers, Nate, Benny, Nash, Mack, and Luke. She has 2 loving parents, Jane and Marco. She grew up in Calabasas, California and moved to LA at 17. She has a boyfriend, Jax Hellmen.

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