::c h a p t e r 0 1::

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•D a n s P O V•

Phil Lester. He is the guy who has amazing grades. I know from our honour rolls, he is always at top.

"Okay. Are you here to hit me? Punch me?" I whisper, my brown fringe falling into my dull eyes.

"N-No, I'm here because I care. I heard you crying, I mean I'm obviously going to help you." Phil says, the right corner of his mouth turned up into a lop-sided smile.

"Nobody cares Phil, you're here to do something. No one ever talks to me without throwing a punch." I say, I little louder this time.

"Shhh, calm down Dan." Phil whispers, kneeling down a little bit to reach my level. "Trust me, I wouldn't hurt you."

I stay silent for a minute, wondering if I should just get up and run. Which is what I decide to do.

I get up, trying to sprint away, but Phil is too quick. He grasps my wrist, as I hiss in pain.

"I'm sorry Dan." He says frantically, as I assure him it's fine.

"Just please promise me you won't hurt me." I whisper, looking into Phil's green-blue eyes.

"I promise, Dan." Phil replies, sliding down the wall beside me. "Whatcha listening to?"

I grin, looking down at my phone. "Fall Out Boy."

Phil's eyes light up, and he smiles wide. "I love Fall Out Boy! Do you have their new album American Beauty/American Psycho?"

"Yeah, I love it. Not as good as Save Rock and Roll though." I answer, swiping to unlock my phone. My background is a 'doge' meme, and Phil giggles slightly at the photo.

"What's your favourite song? I'm asking all the questions because I want to get to know you. You need a best friend, you know." Phil gives me a look of sympathy as he gets farther into his little speech. I don't need sympathy, I think.

"My favourite song is probably Immortals, for two reasons. Big Hero 6 is on point, and it's generally a great song." I explain, still scrolling through Tumblr. "Thank you, by the way."

"I love Immortals too!" Phil shouts, and wow do this kid have energy. "And, no problem. Everyone needs a best friend. I don't have any best friends either, so maybe this will be the start of something."

"Okay, that'd be nice."


The school bell rings, and I jump a bit. Students rush out down the hallways, and I peak through the door crack of the boys bathroom. Hopefully no one sees me.

I continue to look at out the door, and I see Kayden. Sh*t.

I spin around, and I run towards a stall. He seen me. I hear the door bust open, with a loud clatter of footsteps following. There is more than one person in here.

"Howell, I know you're in here."

I start to shake, trying to be as quiet as possible. I lift my legs up onto the toilet seat, trying to make no noise at all. Of course, me being so awkward, my foot slips and a big thump is heard. The footsteps start to pace towards my stall door, and they violently bang on the door.

"Howell, get the f*ck out here. I'm not leaving until you come out you little f*ggot."

My breathing becomes extremely heaving, along with a couple tears rolling down my cheek. Why today? I actually had a slightly good day. Now, I'm about to get the sh*t pounded out of me. Wonderful.

Kayden kicks the door another three times, until the door bursts open due to his strength. I sigh heavily, just letting him grab me by the neck. At this point, I really don't care anymore. I'm used to it.

He hauls me out of the stall, and pins me up against the cold brick wall. I shutter, as three other guys gather around me.

"Did you really think we weren't going to find you?" A blonde haired boy says, coming towards me and slaps my cheek. I wince, but I try to stay calm.

Kayden nods towards the other three boys, and they all take two steps closer to me.

And it starts. The kicking, punching, slapping, everything. I'd try to get away, but what's the point? If I got away, they would just show up to my house then.

By the end of all the hitting, I have a black eye, swollen lip, bruised jaw, and I'm pretty sure, a broken wrist. My wrist is swollen, and it hurts like crazy to move it the slightest.

Instead of trying to get up, I just stay sat down on the bathroom floor. All alone, in the quiet. It was nice, but the pain is all throughout my body. I feel as if someone will show up to help me, but school is ended. No one will be here after school that would actually help me in any way.

But right at that moment, I heard a creak. I look up to see the door wide open, with a worried Phil stood in the doorway.

"Dan! Oh my gosh, are you okay?" He rushes over, asking me frantically. Phil sits down next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I flinch, wondering if he is going to hit me.

"Dan, calm down. It's fine. I'm here to comfort you. Not hurt you. Now, where are you in pain? Are you okay?"

I sigh, getting a sharp pain in my chest. I swallow hard, attempting to sit up a comfy position. "No, I'm not okay. Do it look like I'm okay?" I start to cry, quiet sobs escaping my mouth. "And I'm hurting basically everywhere. It hurts to breathe."

I lay my head on his shoulder, while his hand is resting on my waist. He whispers something into my ear, but I don't quite get what he said.

"Do we need to bring you to the hospital? I can drive you there if you need me to." Phil asks, lifting my head a little with his hand.

I start to panic, as I try to reply. But I jus keep stuttering. "N-n-no. P-please don't. I hate hospitals."

"Is there a reason why you don't like them?" Phil doesn't even say anything about my stuttering. I expected him to laugh at me, and make fun. But it didn't even bother him at all.

"W-well, I've had a bad history there. I basically watched my mum die there, and my dad left when I was 6. Also, my little brother hates me, so I don't have anyone. He wasn't there with my mum, since he left with dad. I'm living alone at the moment, and the amount of trips I've made to the hospital within the last 5 months was ridiculous." A single tears rolls down my face, but Phil who wipes it away with his thumb.

"Oh my... I'm s-so sorry Dan..." Phil seemed lost for words. I lay my head back down on his shoulder, as he lifts it up once again.

"I know we only just met today, but you seem amazing and I feel so bad for you. We should get to know each other better. Want to come over to mine today?"

I giggle, and I nod. "That'd be great Phil."


Authors note: whyyyy hello again;) sorry I only just updated. I said I'd update a week after my prologue... And it's been almost 2 months I think. Oops. Anyways, hope you liked the chapter! I'll post more often now:)

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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