The Next Time

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The Next Time

January was cold, bleak, and dark despite the bubble of energy that surrounded Hermione and Ron as the world congratulated them on their engagement. Being two thirds of the Golden Trio meant that it had only taken two days for the news to be front page on the Daily Prophet. Hermione had smiled and held up her hand, showing the diamond ring there, a Weasley family heirloom. Because that's what she would be now, an official member of the Weasley family.

They had spent the week after Christmas dodging owls from different reporters and magazines asking for an exclusive interview. Hermione had called it foolish that an engagement should be front-page news, but Ron had quite liked the attention. He sat at the kitchen table at the Burrow and sorted through different letters, pushing them in and out of order.

"So, erm," he started. "Do you think you'd want to? Give an interview, I mean. It's just once we do one, then they'll back off," he added catching her expression.

Hermione was about to spout off on how there were much more important things to be reported on until she saw the small gleam in Ron's bright blue eyes. He was excited, he was happy. Happy that they were getting married. And she should be too.

"Yeah, I think so. Which one do you think we should write back to?" She tried her best to sound chipper. Ron's face broke into a wide smile and she took a deep breath, happy that she was able to do this for him. She really did care about him; he had been her best friend for years and her feelings for him had grown over time. Things with Ron felt... easy, simple, safe. Everyone expected them to end up together, especially after Ginny and Harry. None of the other men she had dated had struck any real feelings with her.

Of course, she and Draco had never really dated... But she wasn't thinking about that. Or him. Not anymore.

"I guess the Prophet," Ron shrugged and handed her the piece of parchment with the Daily Prophet's header on it. "That's the one most people are going to read anyways."

"Okay." Hermione set it down without reading it. For some reason she couldn't get her eyes to focus and her throat felt like it was closing up. "Anytime is fine with me, just let me know when they owl back. Excuse me, I need to get some air."

The official article about their engagement and their joint interview came out in the morning edition on December 31st. Ron was talking about getting it framed.

They had plans to go over to Harry and Ginny's that evening for a small get together with some of their close friends and Hermione could not have been more excited for it. She needed to be around people right now, talk to them about their lives, work, and relationships. Anything to keep her out of her own head.

She knew she could do this; she had spent the last six months without him so why was this past week so difficult? She was scared that if she wasn't surrounded by people tonight she would run off and swear to herself that this was the last time, promising herself to start the New Year off fresh.

But she couldn't. Hermione looked down at the ring on her finger. It changed things. She had told Ron she would marry him. They were going to be together. They were together. And while she might be weak, but her feelings for Ron were strong enough to keep her by his side.

"Hermione, you might want to take it easy," Harry laughed as she filled up her glass with punch again. "George made that so..."

She took a large gulp and let it fizz out in her mouth before she swallowed it down eagerly. "Just trying to get in the spirit, Harry." She smiled and took another drink.

"Yeah Harry, lighten up," Ron put his arm around Hermione. "This is going to be the best year yet."

"Have you set a date then?" Ginny poured herself a cup of punch.

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