☞Back in town

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"Dude you're gonna be late!" Jay stormed into his living room in hopes of getting his brother back on track for his first day at work, only to find him sprawled out on his small couch. "C'mon Will! What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine Jay. What's wrong with you?" His short ginger hair was tousled and out of place. William definitely had a few drinks the night before.

"Whatever. I'm not here to babysit you." Jay scoffed without taking his eyes off the mess in his batchelor living room. "If you wanna live here in Chicago I suggest you get to work because I won't be doing charity anymore. If you're going to keep acting like a dumbass I suggest you pack your bags and go back to New York."

"Yeah I might just go do that Jay. Chicago sucks!" Will called after his little brother who was now long gone from the living room. "Hey! Where are you going?"

"Work Will. Some people have to work to be able to live." And with that, Jay shut the door in his brothers face.

Will returned to the living room, suddenly exhausted by that little exchange of words. He sat at the couch for a long moment, debating wether or not he should at least try. Eventually the unstoppable ticking of his brother's clock drove him insane and he dressed to go to work.

Without knowing who was waiting for him there.


"Doctor Y/LN! You're in trauma 2."

"On it!" You sprinted to meet the paramedics and was shocked to see what happened. With strong grips on the gurney you dissapeared into the trauma room with several nurses hot on your tail.

At that moment by the entrance stood a very shocked William Halstead. He went as far as doubting the aspirin he took in hopes of clearing his head because we was shocked to see you.

"William Halstead." The small figure of Mrs. Goodwin appeared in front of the startled new doctor. "Care to share what kept you from work today?"


"Hey... Um Y/N Y/LN?" A fimilar voice stopped you in your tracks. With hands still on the door and body halfway in the doctors lounge you turn around to face the owner of the fimilar voice.

"Will Halstead. I can't believe my eyes." The first guy you ever felt so strongly about is standing right in front of you. He's also the one that broke your heart and fled Chicago long before the two of you decided your career paths.

He chuckled nervously, "Well. Here I am."

"I can see that." Smiling and surprised, you walk into the lounge for a quick cup of coffee. "Want a coffee?"

"Uh... Yeah sure. Why not." He agrees eventually and takes a seat facing your back. He was half expecting you to hug and happily welcome him but he wasn't oblivious to your last encounter, therefore he was expecting you to throw your boiling coffee at him.

"So... What brings you back to Chicago Will? Certainly not me." You laugh airily and lean against the table in a way that showed 0 percent of your insecurities that rose upon his arrival.

"Well, I needed a change of scenery for one."

"Where'd you come from?" You had a pretty good guess yourself. "No don't tell me. Florida!"

Will chuckles, bringing you back to the time when you were young and in love. "Close."

"New York?"

"You got it."

You muster a light giggle. "You haven't changed a bit." It scares you just how much you two still know each other. Growing up and setting foot in the world of adulthood didn't change him nor you. It didn't change anything.

Looking at you while sharing a pure moment with no hatred towards each end brought Will back from his current state of a bachelor doctor. He wondered if your past could repair itself into your new future. If not, could the two of you possibly start from scratch and make a brand new present.

"I missed you Y/N."

Your eyes met and you came to a silent agreement. "I missed you too Will. It's good to have you back."

That's all he needed to know for the future.

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