☞FBI Meets ED

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"Am I under arrest agent?"

You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend's silly way of greeting you.

The search you were doing around the ED was somewhat scary for the people on standby. Adorned in your pretty uniform with FBI bolted at your back in bright yellow uppercase letters gave a fright to a few people.

Little did they know.

You pretended to think, "No... I don't think you are."

Somebody tapped your shoulder lightly making you turn around with furrowed brows. "Yes?"

"Sorry for intruding," Maggie Lockwood said with a wary smile. "I was just wondering... Is there a reason you're here? We've had our fair share of FBI around here."

You waved your hand immediately, "No, no I'm not here for work. I was just stopping by to see Crockett."

Maggie was still visibly confused. "She's my girlfriend."

Her face twisted one more time and morphed into a one of surprise. Then hysterically funny one. "Crockett it's too early in the morning to be joking around."

You laughed with her and while she wasn't looking you had whispered just how much you're fond of her to your boyfriend. "No, really. We're, um, together."

"Oh my God really?" She exclaimed before looking sideways. You both followed her line of vision until your eyes landed on a dark-colored woman standing by the computer. She was very pretty, you noted. Almost too pretty.

"Is that who I think it is?" You ask lightly.

Crockett visibly swallows although he's quick to mask the action by wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you after him, all the while ignoring Maggie who was trying hard to get your attention.

"Want to tell me what was that all about?" You crossed your arms over your chest when you entered the lounge. The burning gaze you pit pointed at Crockett made you fail to notice a bright ginger sulking in the corner.

"That was April."

You looked weirdly at the man who told you this, "You're Y/N right? I'm Will. Jay's brother."

"Jay Halstead?" You asked, just to be sure. The young detective you befriended while working with the intelligence on a case left an impression on you. It was weird to meet his brother. A ginger at that. "Pleasure to meet you Will."

He shook your hand proudly, ignoring the scowl that decorated Crockett's face.

"No Y/N the pleasure's all mine."

"Look Will," Crockett interjected. "If you don't mind...I'd like to speak to my girlfriend in private."

Halstead's smirk didn't falter, he just raised his hands and nodded. Just as he was at the door, he let himself give you a wink.

He planned this!

You almost laughed out loud at the man's silly plan to get Crockett to talk and make up. By doing what he did, Will managed to save you guys from experiencing a nuclear disaster in your relationship.

"So," You started. "I'm not trying to be that girl...but I'm getting a feeling that I should know what's up. I didn't plan for my surprise visit to turn out like this."

"April and I kissed."


Crockett stepped into your personal space, hands on your hips. You were appreciative of the closeness. "But that was before I met you."


He raised his brow in alarm. "Is that a good oh?"

"A relieved one," You smiled. "We're adults, and I'm not petty enough to try and change the past. I just wish things weren't so awkward."

"It doesn't have to be," He says. "We can go talk to her."

"While I look like this?" You gestured to your uniform, and coincidentally to your gun fastened to your belt. "Maybe when I'm wearing a dress."

"But I like my woman in her uniform." Crockett teased, sweeping his eyes over your body. You felt very exposed.

"You're impossible." It didn't take long to pull him to you for a kiss. The kiss didn't last nearly long enough for you both to feel ready to face your days alone. "I'll see you at home."

"I'll be waiting for you. Don't get yourself shot; I don't want you in the OR with me."

When you left the lounge, it didn't take long to find April's eyes. You gave her a smile - a real one and hoped that she didn't hold grudges against you. The last thing you wanted was for her to fear your uniform.

You exhaled in relief when she smiled back.

The future looked bright for Crockett and you; you could see it.

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