Chapter 1

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Freida Vogel woke up and groggily walked downstairs to make herself breakfast. She quickly made some toast and immediately went out onto her bicycle to get to work, chewing the bread as she cycled. Her job was at a publishing agency called Geschichten und Papier and she often found her job quite enjoyable, the people there were nice, it paid well and the things she had to do in her job were varied, but she often found herself with an empty feeling after finishing work for the day, as if there was more she could be doing.

A tap came at her closed door causing her to stop daydreaming as a man in a suit entered her office, "Frau Vogel, I am just checking on you, how are you doing?"

Freida smiled as she shook his hand, "I am fine, and you Herr Maier?"

"Thank you, I am fine," replied Mr Maier, "Have you heard some of the employees are going to the pool tomorrow, they are wondering whether you want to come."

"What time is it?" asked Freida, now standing next to her boss.

"They are saying 9am, is that fine?" responded the man.

"It's perfect," smiled Freida, "I'll be there ten minutes early."

"Fantastic," grinned the man, shaking Freida's hand as he got lead out of the office, "Thank you for your time Frau Vogel."

"Time well spent," she replied shutting the door and sitting down to do some more work.

After around four more hours at work, she packed up her stuff and headed home where she cooked herself dinner, talked to her parents a bit online and then went to bed. The next day she woke up early and cycled to the pool where her friends where meeting up.

"Good morning," she called towards them, attaching a lock onto her bicycle before walking up to them.

She shook each of their hands before the small group of around a dozen people enterred the pool and got ready to enter the sauna before they enterred the small pool they had booked. She stripped off her clothes and reunited back with her friends where they all enterred the sauna together as they discussed what had been going on in their lives. Ten minutes into this conversation, the group collectively agreed that they should get into the pool, except for Freida who decided that she wanted to stay in the sauna a bit longer. She was only intending to stay for about another 30 seconds as she really wasn't in the mood to get up, but ending up staying for much longer as the moment everyone but her got into the pool the back wall of the room crashed down, sending rubble flying everywhere, blocking the door not allowing Freida to escape.

"Who are you?" shouted one of the women, rushing out of the the pool and grabbing a towel to put on.

The man did not respond and tried to run before freezing as the same woman threatened to call the police. 

"Don't call the police," the man stuttered, slowly stepping backwards to get into a large truck which was parked directly behind the wall.

"You, smashed the truck into the wall to get in, didn't you," the woman gasped accusingly.

"No," the man exclaimed, "I wasn't trying to get in, me and my mate had just parked our car by the wall and the brake wasn't working."

"That's not a parking spot," the woman replied in shock, "What were you doing?" 

She walked towards the man to try and grab his arm before he pulled out a knife and shouted, "Stand back, let me go," as he waved his knife around clearly looking scared.

The women stepped back as he waved the knife at them before telling them to get into the changing room and tell nobody what happened. Terrified, the women did as he said, leaving him alone in the room with the pool, besides from, of course, Freida who could not get out of the Sauna because of the rubble that had fallen in front of the door. To make matters worse, a small piece of rubble had also gotten caught in the control panel for the Sauna, causing the heat and steam to reach a maximum. Freida Vogel had been making an effort to keep quiet during the time in which the man was threatening her friends with a knife, but she was finding herself feeling quite faint because of all the gas she was inhaling and was entering her body. 

Because of this realisation that she could die here, she began shouting and banging on the door in an attempt to make the man with the knife hear her. Hear her he did, but the man who was genuinly worried could not clear the rubble with him and his friend quick enough so by the time they managed to get into the sauna, Freida was passed out and possibly dead. Not wanting to get into any trouble, the two young men decided that they should take the body with them until they knew she was alive. They both carried the not breathing body into the back of their truck before driving back to their home. Once they were there, they both tied her to a chair and waited to check if she was alive.

Thankfully, after around an hour of nervous watching from the men, Freida woke up to find herself in a large shirt and tied to a chair.

She immediately tried to ask what was going on but found herself to be a coughing and spluttering mess. 

"Hey listen," said one of the men, "We don't want to kill you, we're not like that, but we will if we have to."

Freida looked up at both the men in fear, still coughing.

"We're going to get you out of this place," the man continued, "Tell anyone what happened and you're dead."

Freida nodded frantically as she continued coughing, meanwhile the other man turned to the first and asked, "How can we know that she won't tell?"

The first man looked at him, before nodding and beckoning him into another room, leaving Freida Vogel all alone and coughing in the room she might die in. She continued her spluttering and coughing for another ten minutes or so until eventually, she felt absolutely horrible and vomited all over her shirt. After that, Freida was sure that she would die, not because of the vomit, because along with the vomit, she had also puked out a small incredibally sharp bone. But she did not die, or even feel too different outside of how sick she felt. Suddenly, she began hearing footsteps from above entering the basement and, although she had little basis for this fear, she immediately began speculating about how they were going to kill her. Grabbing the closest thing she could, the sharp bone, she immediately began cutting away at the ropes she was tied up in. She managed to get it cut in a matter of seconds as the rope wasn't very good, and the moment she was out of her chair, she made a run for it, dashing past the two men as they enterred their basement to leave the house. She managed to get outside before they caught up with her, where she continued running until she was at a hospital, still spluttering as she walked through the doors. 

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