Art Collaboration (Rohan X F!Reader)

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Third Person POV

Rohan threw a piece of paper in the trash can, seeing the trash can collapse. "Oh my god. Why can't I draw anything good?!" He yelled, crossing his arms. "Art block is such a fucking hassle to deal with."

Rohan glanced at his phone, seeing (Y/N)'s contact. Should I call (Y/N)?  I don't want to seem clingy, but then again, she's a phenomenal artist. She'd be able to help me out with this problem, no doubt. Rohan tapped the call button. (Y/N) answered the phone. "Mr. Kishibe? Why are you calling?"

Rohan said, "Drop the formalities, (Y/N). I have art block, and I need your help. You're a good artist, so that's why I called you."

(Y/N) said cheerfully, "Alright, I'm coming!"

Rohan couldn't help but smile a bit. "Alright, see you later." Rohan hung up, and leaned back in his chair. He started to clean the mess he made. After cleaning the mess, he waited for (Y/N). Soon, he heard the doorbell ring. He opened the door, and was suddenly enveloped in a hug.

"Hey, Rohan!" (Y/N) said. She buried her face into Rohan's neck. Rohan couldn't help but chuckle. "(Y/N), you're acting like we're a couple. Come inside."

(Y/N) let go of Rohan, and walked inside. "From the sounds of things, you're stressed. I'll make a cup of tea." (Y/N) said. She pulled out a tea bag from her bag of art supplies. She soon made some tea, and poured two cups. She grabbed one, and sat down on the couch. Rohan sat, his legs crossed. He took a sip of the tea. "Hm, my favorite. How'd you remember this flavor was my favorite?"

(Y/N) replied, "I'm not sure. I just remember the small things about you, I guess. I just want to try my best to make you happy."

Rohan smiled softly at that comment. "That's sweet," Rohan commented, taking a sip of his tea. (Y/N) smiled, and the two drank their tea in comfortable silence. Rohan felt his mind clearing. He soon finished his tea. He set his tea cup down on the table.

(Y/N) asked, "Did that tea help any?"

Rohan nodded. "Yep. Thank you."

(Y/N) smiled. "No problem. Wanna go try to work on your art now?"

Rohan nodded. "Sure. Maybe we could just do an art collaboration for fun?"

(Y/N) smiled. "Sure!" She grabbed her art supplies and headed upstairs. The two sat down at Rohan's desk. (Y/N) started drawing some strange spirit. It was blue, with orange eyes. It's hair was long, wavy, and silver. Chains were surrounding her for all around. Right in front of the spirit was someone who looked just like (Y/N). (Y/N) wrote, "Alice in Chains" in cursive.

Rohan drew a figure. He didn't know what he was drawing yet, but he just knew that he was drawing something. Soon, he had finished with the sketch. He realized that he had drawn a version of himself, but there was something different about the sketch than normal. He looked like a villain. His eyes were like daggers. He had his arms crossed, and his face was a scowl. "Oh my goodness, Rohan! You look so hot!" (Y/N) squealed.

Rohan suddenly turned crimson red. He didn't know why that made him blush, but it did. "Oh, shut up." Rohan huffed. He continued to draw. Soon, he had finished the lineart. Him and (Y/N) started to color their art. Soon, they had finished the art. It looked absolutely gorgeous. Rohan grabbed a picture frame, and framed the art. "There we go. Perfection." Rohan said with a smile.

(Y/N) chuckled. "I've never seen you smile before, surprisingly enough. You should smile more often. You look so gorgeous when you smile."

Rohan smiled. "Thanks." He replied, his cheeks dusted a light pink. What was this feeling when he was with (Y/N)? They were just friends. Nothing more. So why was Rohan feeling this way? "I'm getting another cup of tea." Rohan announced. He went downstairs, and poured another cup of tea.

(Y/N) sat down beside him. "Rohan? Are you alright?" She asked.

Rohan snapped, "I'm fine. Now leave me alone."

(Y/N) visibly flinched at Rohan's harsh tone. "Um, I'm sorry. I'll leave now." (Y/N) packed her stuff, and prepared to leave, but she heard the noise of a teacup being set on the table, and suddenly felt Rohan grab her wrist. (Y/N) turned around. "Rohan, what are you-"

Suddenly, (Y/N) was enveloped in a hug. Rohan muttered, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so harsh. You can stay."

(Y/N) smiled and replied, "It's alright, Rohan. I think you just need a bit of sleep. You might be overexerting yourself."

Rohan sighed. "You know what? Maybe I do need a bit of sleep. I've been pulling a lot of all-nighters recently. Just this morning, I passed out while working."

(Y/N) nodded. "Yeah, sounds like you need sleep. You can't just exert yourself like this. It's extremely unhealthy. Now, lay down." (Y/N) pushed Rohan on the couch, and made him lay down. She grabbed a blanket from nearby with a figure just like the one in her drawing, and tucked Rohan in. (Y/N)'s spirit also grabbed a pillow, and placed it under Rohan's head. Rohan smiled.

"(Y/N), I saw that spirit of yours. Is that a stand, by any chance?"

"Yep. I named my stand Alice in Chains due to it's ability being to let me summon chains out of my hands, and control them at will. Also, I like the band Alice in Chains."

Rohan smiled. "Nice. Anyways, thanks for helping me out. I'm going to sleep now."

(Y/N) smiled and replied, "Alright. Good night, Rohan. Don't overexert yourself again." (Y/N) left, but not before shutting off the lights in each of the rooms with her stand.

Rohan fell asleep, secretly longing for (Y/N)'s caring personality again.


A/N: Here's the first chapter! I decided to do a Rohan X Reader chapter, since I've had a strange obsession with Rohan recently. I'm more than likely going to do either a Jotakak chapter soon, or a Kakyoin X F!Reader chapter, so be on the lookout for that! Anyways, Aurora out!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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