Hanging Out in the Dorm Pt.2

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After we finish class today, Bakugou's coming to hang out in my dorm. We should do our homework first and then I'll ask if he wants to play videogames. I wonder what he likes to play. Or maybe we can listen to music and talk! What kind of music does he even like? I wonder...

You finish your classwork early and decide to start your homework early. After reading the homework instructions, you get bored and start staring out of the window. In the corner of your eye, you spot Bakugou... also staring out the window. You wonder what he's thinking about.

[the bell rings]

"Remember to turn in today's due homework in the back of the class if you haven't already."

Students begin filing out of the classroom doors, as well as to the ack of the class to turn in work. You pack your things and turn around to walk over to Bakugou. You stop though, he's talking to someone. You decide to just walk to your dorm on your own.

[Bakugou's pov]

"You're Bakugou, right? Explosion quirk?"

"Yeah that's me. What the hell do you want?" Who is this idiot and why is she talking to me. Where's y/n?

"I just wanted to tell you that I am amazed with your quirk! It's so... Wow! In your face! You know? Can I-" she reaches for his hand. He slaps her hand away from his.

"What the hell do you think you're doing... brat." This little-

"I... I'm sorry... B-but why are you so mean? Huh? I just wanted to talk with you about your quirk! You're such a jerk, Bakugou... No one will like you this way you know." Is she trying to get me to blow her face off?

"Listen here nitwit, I have no interest in talking to you or anyone else. I'm not here to make any little friends. I'm here to become a hero. Go cling onto someone else." He pushes her to the side and exits the classroom.

Now where did they run off to? Maybe I should text them to make sure they're okay. The way they left the class was... it seemed like they were bothered by something. No, I'll just meet them at their dorm like we planned, it'll be better to talk to them about it in person anyways considering they'll most likely just reply with something stupid like "yeah im fine!" even if they're feeling down or stressed out. I should hurry though, before they decide to call off the whole hang out just so they can sulk alone.

[back to your pov]

I should probably text him and tell him not to come. I'm not really feeling up to it anymore.

You pull out your phone and go to the messaging app and start typing: Hey, I don't think you should come over anymore. I'm feeling kind of sick lol, maybe some other time

Hmm, should I really be lying to him though? Should I put "not feeling good" instead of sick? No no, this should be fine.

You hover your thumb over the send button. Someone knocks on your door.

I wonder who that could be? It's probably not him, he's probably still talking to people.

You open the door and, sure enough, it's him. You weren't expecting him to be the one at the door so you panic and try to close it but he stops the door from closing by pushing it open more.

"Let me in, idiot. I wanna talk with you." You decide it's no use trying to push him out so you just let him in.

"I was just about to text you haha..." You delete the message and turn put your phone away.

"Are you okay?"


"I said, are you okay? You left class so suddenly today, I wanted to walk with you to your dorm but that damn brat got in my way. You seemed stressed earlier, I wanted to make sure you're okay." He seems so genuine, I should just be honest with him.

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