Holiday Planning

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I wonder what Bakugou's doing for the holiday. Should I ask him if he wants to hang out? Or will it be weird since we aren't a couple? No! That shouldn't matter! Friends should be able to hang out as friends! I'll text him right now.

Me: hey! wyd for the holiday?

Spiky: Nothing really, I was gonna ask you the same thing.

Was he going to ask me to spend the holiday with him?!

Me: oh! then do you wanna do something together?

I hope this isn't a weird thing to ask.

Spiky: Sure, what do you wanna do?

Me: well I was gonna ask what YOU wanted to do-

This is awkward!

Spiky: What do you like to do? Or what do you normally do on holiday?

Me: hmm... sleep? I don't do anything on holiday lol

Spiky: That's so boring

Me: well what do YOU do?

Spiky: Whatever I want. I don't stay in all day like you do, idiot.

Me: well we should do what you wanna do then?

Spiky: Well let me think about it. Wanna go grab coffee and talk about it?

Me: sure! I'll text you when I'm ready!

Spiky: Haha okay, I'll be waiting.

I'll just throw on some jeans and a hoodie with my Vans shoes. Nothing too fancy haha. I wonder what coffee place we'll go to. I should bring my money, it'd only make sense.

You text him that you're ready to go and you both meet outside your rooms.

"Are you sure you want coffee? I thought you were more of a tea or boba kinda person?"

"Oh yeah, I am! But we can get coffee if you want it!"

"I don't really like coffee."

"Then why'd you suggest coffee?!" Ugh this guy!

"I dunno! Wanna just go get boba?"

"Yeah! I've been wanting to try that new boba place down the street! Wanna go there?"


I wonder what he'll get. Probably something normal like black tea. I'll get something with matcha.

"What are you gonna get?"

"I dunno, I'll decide when we get up there. How about you?"

"Just a matcha tea boba."

You both get up to the counter and the cashier asks for your orders.

"Welcome! What would you like? Before you answer, would you like to try our new drink here?"

He looks at you with the look of, "well? Do you?" You shake your head.

"Nah, we're good. Tell her what you want, I'm still deciding."

"Alright. I'll have a regular size matcha please."

"Okay, regular matcha... And you?"

"I'll take a-" Black tea? "Earl Grey tea with boba." Oh-! I didn't think he even liked tea!

"Alrighty! We have a regular matcha and a... regular size for that earl grey as well?"


"Alright that'll be $7.10" I should pay, I have cash anyways.

Soft Bakugou x Reader (gender neutral)Where stories live. Discover now