Normal pt:3

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Raven arrived at Gotham academy. She got everything ready the night before. She was in her uniform and the shoes needed. Stupid she knew but it's what she has to do.

Damain arrived at the Gotham academy. It's been a week or so since the birds left the nest. His father introduced something for him. He choices to do something's. He only wanted to find Raven. Or Rachel now. He wore the school uniform with a hoodie. He saw a few boys looking at him.

He walks towards them. He had his scary face according to Logan. Damian Wayne.

Bryce Hollywood. A blond boy said.

Mark Peterson. A boy with black hair.

A Wayne really. Didn't know Bruce Wayne had a kid. Bryce says.

Yeah neither did he. Damain says making the boys laugh.

Oof bro ,anyway stick with us. You will be cool. Mark says.

You should join the Volleyball team Bryce says.

Yeah we will show you the team. Mark says swinging a hand around Damian.

Raven found a few girls they looked at her up and down. She walked with Damian scary face.

May I help you. Raven says looking at them.

Your new right.a girl with blond hair says

Yes, Rachel Zatara. Lovely to meet you.

Lily Smith the blond says with a British accent.

Ginny Prue. A girl with brunette hair says looking at Rachel.

Anyway stick with us and our team you will be amazing. Ginny says walking with Rachel.
They all walk to some lockers

Wow your lockers near ours, good . Lily says.

Raven opens hers and takes out her books that she needs ready to go.

Wow you got pretty Gin. A boy says

Bro what are you doing a familiar voice says she peers up a bit. Birdie. She looks at Ginny.

Shut up Mark. Lily says looking at them.

Ginny looks at mark. She roles her eyes. She grabs Lily and Lily grabs Raven.

This is the new girl Rachel. Lily intrudes her. This is Mark, and Bryce and. She stops and a boy whos face was coverd and he was grabbing some books.

Oh this is damain wayne. Bryce turns damain around.

Which classes do you guys have damain says looking at mark. I have advance science.

Advance as a freshman like us really. Mark says grabbing Damain schedule bro these are all seniors stuff.

Guess we got the smart one. Bryce says. So Rachel what's your class.

Advance Scince as well. Raven says not looking at damain but looking at bryce.

Cool. Damain why don't we walk you guys to your class.

Aw thanks babe. Ginny says holding marks hand.

Babe? Really Rachel rases her brow.

They all walk to the class. Damain looked at Raven. He had a small grin on his face.

Okay meet us here after class. Lily says to Rachel.

We have lockers together. Rachel says shaking her head. Fine I will meet you a Ginny here. The five minute bell ring. They all walked off and Damian walked inside and raven followed behind him they sat together.

Found you. Damian whispers to Rachel.

Rachel turns red. Guess you did. Enjoy being normal.

When I'm with you ,I'm always normal. Damain says leaning in.

I'm normal with you to. Raven smiles the bell rings and the class gets started.

It was about lunch and they all meet outside. So volleyball will you join. Mark says to damain he was on his phone. Dick texted him.

Maybe have to check my schedule. Damain looks up at them. Trying a few things.

Rachel was talking to some girls from the volleyball team she was smiling something new to her. Damain found it amazing. She always felt dark but when they were together he found that part of her.

Rachel really, Bryce says looking at him. Just keep her away from James he gets every girl.

Not Rachel she's different believe me. Damain gives a smirk.

They had the rest of there classes Rachel and Damain looked at each other a few times he winked she would blush and roll her eyes. They did the small talk they knew each other well enough.

It was history. They had a project and guess who was parried up. The birds. Rachel Zatara and Damian Wayne will be working together the teacher said. Ginny and Lily looked at Rachel who was taking notes. The boys looked at damain he was also taking notes

The school day ended. Rachel and Damain said goodbye to the group of friends they made. They looked at each other.

So other then the mission was a success for me. I want those lips that kiss me so long ago. Damain says walking forward a bit raven against a wall.

Damain we should wait. I mean we just started to be normal. I don't want to bring you back to something you not were. Raven says looking at damain.

Raven, you are my normal and I love everything about you. You will never make me feel any other way. If you want to wait we can wait. Only for you.

Raven hugged damain. He hugged her back. I care about you princess.

Thank you d.w. Raven says taking back. She gives a light smile.

Damain leans in she lifts raven chin and kissed her lips. Finally the thing that made him dream at night. It felt perfect. He didn't want to let go. Until a car horn got them out of the the trance.

Will you stop kissing . Dick says out the car.

Damian brought Raven to his side and she was red. Hey Dick.

Damian brought Raven to the car and they packed there bags in the back and head in the back. We have a project together. And she texted her guardian already.

Hey Raven. Lovely to see you. Dick says turning back to them. Damian hand was on raven thigh running it under the skirt. Raven was a bright red.

It's Rachel, Dick. Raven says still red. Damian had a sneaky grin on his face.

Damian you look like you are hunting Rachel.

Maybe. Damain looks at Rachel. She looked at him she was biting her lip.

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