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I felt warm. Y/n snuggled into me as she shifted in her sleep. It's been four days since we were together, but this still seemed unreal to me. I looked at her she was sleeping peacefully. I was so soft seeing the sight. She was so cute.

" I love you so much."

She hummed at me.

" Y/n, are you awake?"

She hummed again and said yes in a sleepy voice.

" Y/n, get up. We have to be in the office today."

" But I don't want to.", She pouted still with her eyes closed.

I chuckled.

" So, you want to be here like this."

She nodded. I kissed her pouty lips. Then she slowly open her eyes and smiled.

" Get up, baby. We are getting late."

" Okay." , She got up lazily.

" Shall we shower together to save time?", I said smirking.

" Oh, shut up. Next time.", she signalled.

We went to get ready. I bathed and came out of the bathroom. I picked up my phone as Soo Yeon called me. We told Soo Yeon and Jungkook two days after the day we got together.

" Hey, Soo Yeon. How's the honeymoon going?"

" Very well. You tell me how's it going with you two?"

" Damn good. I love this."

" Are you sure you will be okay Namjoon? She definitely has to go back."

" I know Soo Yeon. I can't stop her. But I can love her as much as I can. I don't know if I'll be okay, but I am happy right now."

" Oh , whatever. You both are driving me crazy." Even though she did not understand what's happening, she still supported us.

I chuckled, " So, when are you coming back?"

" Tomorrow. I have to help Y/n pack her bags and spend time with her."

" Okay, be safe"

" You too, bye."

Y/n came back after she was all ready.

" Joon, why aren't you coming. I made break fast.", She said while coming in.

I was struggling with my tie. I usually don't wear ties as I am clumsy but today was an important day.

" Oh, Joon. You are messing it up." , She came near me to help me with the  tie. I let her do it. I was staring at her as she was working on the tie. The whole thing was giving me butterflies. No matter how many times she touches me or comes near me, my heart still races faster as if it was for the first time.

" Here , done.", She smiled as she admired her work and looked at me staring at her with hearts in my eyes.
She looked at me for a second and pulled my tie. I was inches close to her. She landed her lips on mine. Damn. I was surprised at first but gave in fastly as I pulled her waist towards with my hand. We stopped kissing as she her back hit the wall. We both gasped for air smiling. Then I put my hands on the wall, locking her way out.

" Miss Y/n, shall we not go to work today?", I raised my eyebrows smirking.

" Such a pervert you are. Now move aside. Let's eat.", She said hitting me slowly but I could see she was intimidated by me for a second. I smirked to myself as she hurried out.

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