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" Y/N, are you going to see the wedding dresses?"

" Yes, I am going in a hour. You should go see the tuxes too."

" Why don't I come with you?"

" No, you can't."

" Ah , why?"

" You already saw me in a wedding dress when Soo Yeon was getting married."

" So, this is our wedding. I want to see you in our wedding's dress."

" Yah, I want it to be a surprise. I want you to see me as your bride walking into the aisle."

" Okay.", he frowned.

" Joon-ah , just a two days, wait for two days, okay?" 

He nodded smiling at me.

He and me went out together. He dropped me off at the store and left to the office. I took a leave from the office for few days.

I went in to look at the dresses. it took me about an hour to find a perfect one and asked them to deliver it to the address.

" Yes, mom.", I said after I picked up the call.

" Y/n, can you come home?"

" Why mom?"

" Nothing, it's just that you'll be married in two days. So, we want to spend some time with you."

" Okay, I'll come tomorrow."

" I already sent a car to the store you are in. So, hurry."

She cut the call before I could talk anything. She always does things like this.

"Miss Y/n, the car's ready."

" Okay.", I asked the store to change the address and sat in the car.

I called Namjoon to tell him.

" Yes, Y/n"

" Mom asked me to come home. I'm going."

" Is everything okay?"

" Yes, they just want to spend some time with me."

" When are you coming back?"

" After our marriage."

" Seriously, Y/n", I chuckled at his response.

" It's just a few days."

" Okay. I'll miss you."

" Me too"

" Be careful. Love you."

" I love you too, bye."

I was tried of all the shopping, so I went to my bed room after having a little chat with my mom.

I slept early.


I got up as I heard something. I looked around and saw it was coming from the window. I was about to get up but I saw a figure coming in through the window. It took me some time but I recognized the figure.

" Namjoon", I yelled. He immediately closed my mouth.

" Shhh, don't shout."

" Joon, what are you doing here?" , I whispered.

" What do you think? I am here to see my wife."

" Haha, so funny. I am still not your wife. Seriously what are you doing here?"

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