Chapter 2 - Bye LA, Hello OKC

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You arrived in Oklahoma at 7:30 pm. Oklahoma is a really beautiful place. When you’re about to go out of the airport, your dad saw his friend, Scott.

Scott: John!

John: Scott! It’s so nice to see you again!

Scott: Nice to see you too. Wow, (Y/N)’ a big girl now!

John: HAHA, yeah. She’s just 3 years old the last time you saw her. Now she’s already 17. By the way, where’s your children?

Scott: They said they still have things to finish.

Anna: Too bad we can’t meet them.

Scott: Maybe when we got home. So, let’s go?

John: C’mon.

You reached Edmond, Oklahoma where Scott and his family lives in.

Scott: So this is where you’ll stay. Our neighbors left their home a year ago and I decided to keep it in case some of our relatives go here and it turned out that you guys are moving here.

John: Bro, thank you so much.

Anna: How can we ever repay you?

Scott: HAHA, no need to. So here are the keys. If you need something, just call me.

John: Okay

Scott: Enjoy! See you.

Anna: Bye!

Scott’s a really nice guy. He bought their neighbor’s house for us. How cool is that?

You went in the house. It’s not that big. All the walls are painted white. You decided to find your room. So you went upstairs to find it.

Finally, you found it. When you got in, the first thing that caught your eye is the view from the window in front of the desk table. It’s so beautiful. All you can see are city lights from the buildings. The walls are painted in clean white. You arranged your bedroom the way you wanted it to be. You placed your clothes in the cabinet. You placed your books and notebooks in the shelves. You placed all your things where you wanted them to be.

While you’re arranging your room, someone knocked on the door.

Y/N: Come in.

It’s your dad.

John: Hey sweetheart.

Y/N: Oh, hey dad.

John: So what do you think of Oklahoma?

Y/N: It looks beautiful here. I like it.

John: Good. By the way, I just wanted to remind you that you’ll start your school tomorrow.

Y/N: Okay

John: Dinner’s ready. Go down okay? And nice room.

Y/N: Okay dad. And thanks.

After eating dinner, you prepared your things for school tomorrow. You’re kinda nervous cause you’ll be going to a new school. You don’t even know anyone in Oklahoma. Let’s just hope that your first day will be great and amazing. ;)

Author’s note: This chapter is kinda short. I don’t know how I’ll describe OKC in the story cause I still haven’t been there. Lol

Thank you for reading this chapter. Take care & God bless! ☺

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