Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

✌️Months Later 👐

Kiahah woke up rushing into the bathroom. She had been staying at a hotel for the past two months. She's now throwing up in the toilet. She has been doing this for the past week. She sat on the side of the tub heaving as she felt another wave of nausea hit her. Half of her started to panic. I can't be pregnant. I can't be. She thought. When the nausea subsided she went back to the to the bed and called her doctor to get an early appointment. Her doctor told her come on in this morning so she got dressed and headed to the doctor. On her way she called her boss.

"DA. How can I help you?"

"Mr. Ryans. I won't be able to come in today,"

"Why, Reese?"

"I have a doctor's appointment,"

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"I just scheduled it this morning,"

"Look Reese. If you are not here in an hour. You're as good as fired,"

"Well. Mr Ryans consider this my resignation," Kiahah said before she hung up the phone fuming. Of course he would do some stupid shit like this. He has been waiting decades to fire me. Kiahah thought. She rushed to the doctor. She went in and waited for the receptionist to call her name. About thirty minutes later she heard.

"Kiahah Reese. Right this way," the receptionist said with a smile on her face. She led her to a room and asked her to sit down.

"Good morning Kiahah. Tell me what seems to be the problem," Dr. Susan McKnight asked her.

"Well I have been having some nausea lately," she responds.

"Oh. Have you been sexually active in the past three months?"

"Yeah about two months ago,"

"Okay when was your last menstrual cycle?"

"I'm not sure maybe two and a half months ago. Oh my gosh. I'm fucking pregnant," Kiahah shrieks as she bursts into tears.

"Well you never know. You may just be stressed. Go into the bathroom and pee on this and bring it back to me. Then we're gonna run a blood test to confirm it ok,"

"Okay. I'll bee right back," Kiahah went into the bathroom and began to panic. She can't be a mother. She's so fucked up. What if her daughter or son hates or resents her like she resents her mother. Then they won't even have a father. After s few more minutes of trying to self motivate she went and peed on the pregnancy test. Then she left out and gave the test to her doctor and waited for her to get the stuff together for the blood test. After Dr. McKnight took her blood she had to wait about forty minutes for the blood test. The other pregnancy test had said she was pregnant.

"Okay. According to the blood test. You are pregnant," her doctor told her. "Here are some vitamins that you'll need to take to make sure the baby is healthy. Also you need to schedule another appointment for about two weeks from now. Okay. Kiahah calm down. Stress is not good for the baby. Relax. Talk to the baby's father and get on agreeable tes so you both can work on a plan to raise you baby. Have a good day little mommy to be," she told Kiahah. Kiahah got the vitamins, then she headed to the grocery store to get some baby friendly food that will help her baby grow strong and healthy. While she was walking on the produce aisle she saw DeShawn.

"Shawn," she called.

"Hey Ki Ki. How have you been," he said.

"Shawn I'm pregnant. With your baby," she rushed out. Not meaning to say it quite like that.

DeShawn's eyes widened and then a huge smile spread across his face. Then it dropped as though he realized something, "so. Get rid of it,"

"What," Kiahah shrieked

"Do you love me?"

"Yeah. A lot but-"

"Then get rid of it,"

"What do you mean by get rid of it?"

"Get an abortion,"

"What if I want to keep it?"

"You want me happy?"

"Yeah but-"

"But nothing. My first child should be with Tallah not you. If you want me happy you'll get rid of it. Tell me that you'll schedule an appointment to get it aborted,"

"Okay. Just to make you happy. I'll schedule the appointment," she said before walking off hurt. She just left the store and called a near by abortion clinic. She made an appointment for next week.

A few hours later DeShawn showed up to the hotel she had been staying in. How did he find me? She wondered.

"Kiahah did you call the clinic?" He started.

"Yeah," she states lowly

"Look baby. I'm sorry but this is the way it has to be," he says. "I really wanna be with you but I can't. I love Tallah,"

"Choose," she tells him.

"Don't make me,"he said

"DeShawn, you need to choose. It's me or her. I'm tired of these secrets and lies." Kiahah told DeShawn quietly. Her voice was shaky. Deep inside she already knew his answer before he even gave it.

"Her, you already knew I would choose her. Haven't I always? I love her. You were nothing but an easy lay. Bye Kiahah." DeShawn said with anger in his voice that could not be mistaken. With those words he left and slammed the door behind him. Kiahah was able to hold her tears until she heard his car pull out of the driveway. After he left she broke down and the dam broke.

Hope you like it. Only one more chapter. Thanks for reading. 😁 love that emoji. Don't really know why though.

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