Chapter 2

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Hi sweeties! ♡ I hope you're all doing all right.

Here's the second chapter, in which Alexander acts like an asshole *as usual*. Enjoy and let me know if you like how Alex and Thomas's relationship is going.


His back was broken, he had a compound fracture in his leg and he'd had to be operated right after being brought to the hospital because of an internal bleeding. He was lucky to be alive, they said – but being alive hurt so much. Fortunately, the silver lining of his situation was that the first days of hospitalisation he had mostly been under morphine. However it still sucked, especially since he had almost no one to keep him company – Lafayette was in France and, even though he'd been utterly upset by the news, he couldn't come to visit any time soon; Alex was an orphan and he had no brothers or sisters – he had no family at all actually – and the only family friend, Hercules, had to cover also his shifts at the shop now, so he didn't really have the time to stop by.

Alexander was extremely grateful for everything Hercules had done for him: he was an old friend of his parents' and, after their death, he'd taken Alexander into his house, offering him a job at his tailoring shop and giving him some space for himself in the basement. He'd never made Alex feel as if he was a burden for him and his family, even if he had other three children to take care of. Luckily enough, Hercules had also insisted to pay for his medical insurance – "After what happened to your parents," he'd said once, "I won't risk to have you in the same situation, without healthcare." – and, in this moment, Alexander couldn't have been more grateful.

He could call some of his university buddies, but he didn't really consider Burr and Seabury 'friends' – they were only people he spent some time with in between their classes. Same story with his co-worker, Charles, who'd found him the food delivery job. Suddenly, his face lit up as he remembered of John; he could text him and maybe ask him to stop by when he had some time. He only had to find the one dollar bill with his number on it.

"Hey, nurse," he called out, while his eyes searched the room for his jeans, "NUUUUURSE!"

"Do you know that you can simply ring your bell if you need anything, right?" the nice-looking, tall nurse walked into the room with an annoyed face, "and this 'nurse' has a name, patient Number Eighteen."

"Whatever," Hamilton ignored him, "where are the jeans I was wearing during the night I got hit by the car?"

"Should it be my problem?" the nurse huffed and crossed his arms, "look, I have other patients to look after – if you have some medical-related problems I'd be happy to help you, but if you're asking for my fashion advice on the jeans you were wearing that night, I have to tell you, you were dressed like shit."

He turned to go away, but Alexander stopped him again.

"Wait, there was something very important in the pocket of those jeans," he started to explain, trying to remain calm in order to have the nurse help him, "I really need it."

"The clothes you were wearing has been thrown away," the nurse finally said, "I can assure you there was nothing valuable in your pockets – if we'd found any objects, you would have had them now on your night table."

"It was a dollar –

"That's not what we consider 'valuable', Mr Hamilton, especially when the patient in question is bleeding to death – it has probably been thrown away with the jeans."

"It was important to me! Look, nurse – what the hell is your name?"

"Oh my, I'm glad you asked, after only one week," he rolled his eyes and introduced himself, "I'm Thomas."

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