Chapter 2: An Unusual Ally

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We walk farther down the road, battling a few monsters that don't really put up much of a fight. But hey it's experience "oi! Boy, anything feel off?"

"What do you mean? It's just the Enchanted Forest?"

"I feel like someone's watching us"

"It's probably just your imagination, wait can you sense these things?"

"I can sense when something that's a class is near"


"It's time for another lesson!" He says, then begins to explain "a class is something that dictates what type of adventurer you are. For example your class is mage! You can cast spells and you can't be any other class, you have to be that one!"

"But if you can sense classes then wouldn't you sense everyone's?"

"Good question, no! You must become an adventurer!"

"So how'd I become one?"

"Well you're different since you're the prophecy"

"Oh... So can you sense the class of people too?"

"Yes and let me see what I'm sensing" he closes his eyes for a bit "it's a beast class"


"A class given to those who act like monsters. I must be sensing one far away"

"So what other classes have we seen?"

"Well, the girl who scammed us was a sharpshooter, the guard with blonde hair was a spearman, and your friend Ruby was a hunter"

"Oh, well we're here now"

"Hippy ho! We are!" We start to walk to the doors "halt! What business do you have here?"

"We're- I'm just a traveler"

"Hm... Alright" they let us in as we look around "so where do you think they have the shop?"

"Well I'd say right next to us" I turn to the left "oh" we walk in "welcome how can I help you today?"


"Ask her for clothing for a mage class lad!"

"D-do you have anything for the m-mage class?"

"Bloody 'ell mate! Do you know how to talk to people?"

"I can't be talking to you, people'll think I'm crazy!"

"Who are you talking to?"

"N-No one!" I say as she lays two things on the table a blue cloak with a weird stone that has some weird "S" shaped symbol "this is all I have" I grab it and put it around me "and we have this wand" I grab the wand as it starts changing colors she gasps "so how much is this?"

"I-It's on the house" I walk out "what sorta screw she got loose init?"

"That's kinda rude she just gave us free gear"

"Eh fair enough" we find our way to an inn and get a room.

"Oi! Laddie get up!"

"What is it?"

"I heard someone knock on the door." I walk over and open it there's two people. One has indigo-blue hair color and golden eyes, she's wearing a grey cloak with some sort of Amulet in the middle and holding a staff. Meanwhile there's a guy standing next to her, he has a more serious look on his face. He's wearing a tunic holding a large broadsword seems he can hardly hold it with the large shield he's holding it's and interesting design on it, it has yellow on the sides and a yellow part going down the middle with black dots plus there's a column of red, blue, and gray dots on it. The shield is held in his left hand and the sword in his right "uh... Hello?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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