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i miss you 

I miss te way i used to smile they way i laughed so loudly when i found a joke funny. I miss the way i would run around the street acting like a superhero. I missed the way i would go to sleep with a smile on my face. I was stronger back then. 

Now i cry at night because of the memories of you touching me. The memories of you shouting at me telling me to get out of your face. The memories of you telling me I'm fat and i need to stare myself.  i got weaker and reality hit me. It hit me hard. 

Maybe looks are everything....

I don't eat lunch anymore. I'm always counting my calories constantly trying to get skinny. You changed me. You changed me for the worse. You didn't know it but your words cut deeper then my cuts. I'm constantly insecure now. 4 more years till I'm out i tell myself

4 more years......

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