|| CHAPTER: 06 ||

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Sunghoon's POV
I was about to go to my house when I realized that I'm the one who should take Y/n to my house with me.

I was searching for Y/n in the school hallway hoping she didn't already went to her house.

"Hey!" Karina greeted me.

"Move." I said without any reaction.

"Who are you searching for?" She asked trying to look Innocent.

"Someone. Now move." I said again. Now my blood is boiling.

"Is it perhaps... y/n?" She asked me.

"Why do you care? For one last time, mo-" someone my cut me off.

"Sunghoon!...." Y/n said without noticing Karina with me.

"Let's go." I said and left the school with Y/n.
Y/n's POV

He was not talking at all.. it was kind of awkward..

"So, how are you?" I asked smiling at him.

"Good." He said still walking.

WAIT.. HE REPLIED TO ME? I was now a blushing mess and he saw it.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"Nothing... Heh". Still BLUSHING.

Sunghoon knocked on his house door..

The door was opened by his Mother.

"Oh my gosh Y/n! Dear, come here come here!" His mom completely ignored her own son.

I went inside the house and wow.. it's so beautiful.. everyone is set on perfect.. I went to the sofa and sat there... I was feeling really nervous..

Sunghoon's mother sat beside me.

"Dear, how's everything?" She asked me.

"I'm fine, aunty! How about you?" I said trying not to be nervous.

"I'm fine, dear. I prepared a special lunch for you today." She said smiling.

"Thank you so much, aunty." I said.

"Unnie! You're so beautiful!" Yeji said.

"Awww hi sweetie! Thank you so much!" I said and pinched her cheeks.

Wow.. I'm getting close to my crush's family. But where's his father?

Everything on table is now arranged. We are gonna eat now but Sunghoon is still in his room.

"Dear can you go to Sunghoon's room? And tell him to come eat?" She asked me.

"O-of course!" I said but feeling extremely NERVOUS..

I went upstairs and knocked on his door.. but he didn't opened?....

I knocked again..


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