Just a Little Bit Of Your Heart

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Hi all.
Today is such a hard day for me.

As you all know this is a story based on  true events. Well the person who it happens to be writen about his birthday is today. I don't know how to really react but my heart hurts. I've been listening to Never Say Never by The Fray and Just a Little Bit of Your Heart by Ariana Grande a lot today.  I want to curl up in a ball eat lots of chocolate and watch sad movies, But instead i desided why not just update. So hear you go.

Oh My Dear by Tenth Avenue North
Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson
Crush by David Aruchleta
Just A Little Bit OF Your Heart by Ariana Grande
She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5
Never Say Never by The Fray

Lena's POV -----


My phone sang loudly. I groaned and rolled over.

It's 6:50 in the morning. I love my job at Lola's but god do i hate getting up in the moring to open the shop. I got out of bed and headed dow stairs. My mom was already up for work and getting around. I got my work uniform and headed for the shower. I blasted my music as I washed my hair.

20 minutes later.

" Lena" I could hardly hear my mom calling me. " Huh?" i snapped out of my thoughts. " You need to go. It's 7:45" I shot up. " What?" I grabbed my keys and ran out the door. The traffic wasn't bad at al this morning. It didn't really matter ether, Lola's is only about 10 minutes from my house. I parked my car and got out. I walked to the back of the shop and unlocked the door. Walking in i put in the punch number for the security and turned the lights on. I walked to the office and unlocked the door so I could plug in my phone.

The one thing i always do love about opening the shop is i can blair my music until we open at 11. I plugged in my phone and turned up the volume to One Direction. I know what your thinking seriously One Direction? but they were my favorite band and they'd just came out with a new cd. It was perfect. My favorite song Stockholm Syndrome came on and I was singing and dacning while getting this machine put together so I could make the custard.

---------- 2 hours later--------

It's almost time to open. I go to the office to pull out the tills and put them in the registers. I have the three of them in my hands and walk to the front window. I turn the key and punch in the number then close it. I walk to the second register and do the same. I turn the corner of the shop to go to the drive-thru window. I am standing there when i'm about to close it there was a nock on the window. I jump. I turn to the window to see Ren. I laugh. As I'm about to open the window he comes around to the back of the shop. He tries to open the door but i have it locked. Seriously why wouldn't I ? I'm hear alone and I already and paranode that something would happen.

I open the door and start to talk " You know your not aloud.." He cuts me off and I feel his arms wrap around my waist. I almost tell him to let go but I deside agenst it. I wrap my arms around his neck and my face goes to the crock of his neck. He hugs me so tight, his face is nusseled into my neck and i can't help but smile about that. As I breathe i catch his sent. God. He smells so good. I can't help it. This boy smells beyond amazing. Just as he's about to let go I think i feel him kiss my neck. I don't know if he did that on purpose but it happened. I didn't say anything but his face was red when he let go of me.

" What are you doing here so early? I told you we don't open until 11." I crossed my arms while i said this to him. " Well if your not happy to see my i'll just leave then." He said and turned around to walk out. I grabbed his arm " No,.... I just .... I didn't think you'd come this early."  I didn't want him to leave, all I wanted was for him to stay. " Well you thought wrong. " He smiled and stood there. " So whats the falvors today Lena. Cause i'm kinda wanting some Lola's." I laughed and started walking to the front. " Well we have Vanilla, Chocolate, Mint Oreo, Red Raspberry and my personal favorite Mocha Almond Fudge." I must have had a face that said it was delicous. " I'll try your favorite." He said and leaned over to me and just grased my shoulder. I got a taster spoon and dipped it into the tub. " Here you go, It's pretty heavenly" He took the spoon from my hand and placed it into his mouth.

He moaned.

I closed my eyes for a second and thought I wonder if thats what its sounds like if i would.. " Lena." I snapped out of it and he starts laughing. " Huh." I practily stuter out. He smiles. " I want a huge cup of this. How much? " I got down a large dish and scooped it out for him. i weighed it and gave it to him with a spoon. " Here you go"
" Thank You. How much?"
" Oh don't worry about it. It's ok."
Just as i was about to walk away and pull the open sign he walked to the back. I wonder what he's doing. I hope he doesn't leave. I pull the sign set the front window up and unlock it. Turn on the sink wells and head to the office. " Well Love i've gotta go. I'm heading to Sia's her mom is taking us to Guitar Center."
" Oh ok." I knew how much Ren loved guitars. He plays all the time, although i've never heard him sing. I wonder if he's any good. " Well it was nice of you to come by Ren." I smiled. He got up out of the office chair and hugged me before i could do anything. " I'll be back around 4 to pick you up." I laughed. " Umm. Ren I have my own car and why would you be picking me up?" "Well you and i are going to go back to the fair tonight." Oh he thinks he can just take me somewhere without me knowing? No way. " Well I kinda alread had plans." " Oh. " His face was so sad. " But i think i can change them. But i'm going home to change first. There's no way i'm going to the fair looking like this." " Why you look beautiful. " I could feel my cheeks getting red just from that. He's so sweet. God i think i'm really liking this guy. " Sure. Ok. Well i'll just meet you back here or something." " No, I'll just come and pick you up. I'll be there at 5." " Great. I'll see you then." " I'll see you then."

He hugged me one last time. He still smelled just as good. He started walking away and turned around." Oh and Lena." " Yeah Ren? " i said turning around." Wear something cute." He said with a smile and winked at me. I giggled and smiled " Bye Ren" i turned around and walked to the front. " Bye Lenaaa" I laughed as i heard the door slam shut. He is really something.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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