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Hello all just a tiny little thing before i start wrighting the chapter. The chapter names will be different songs. Nothing special just songs that i feel discribe the relationship between Ren and Lena. thanks for reading my personal story <3
What If - Colbie Caillat
Sweet - Leighton Meester
Angels - The xx
Crazier - Taylor Swift
Dancin Away With My Heart - Lady Antebellum

Ren waved at me and I walked over with a huge smile on my face. " So hows thing going here? Has she shown yet? ". From the sound that came from his mouth you'd think i'd just ask'd him to do something horrible. " No, This is taking forever." he says and signs quit loudly. " Oh my god. Seriously? You sound like it's the wrost thing in the world to be here Ren. It isn't that bad, Rides are going and the food smells amazing. Come on when was the last time you had a funnle cake?" he laughed. " The last time i had one was two summers ago, the last time i was here. You freaked cause i'd never had one before." " Hey, It was a good reason to freak out those things are from heaven." we both laughed.  I jumped as the anounser came on over the speaker " Next up we have Landon Green , Eliza Young , Sia James , Travis Porter and Alice Long".

I jumped up from the chair and grabbed Rens hand. " Come on let's go. It's time for her to show." As i ran to the middle of the barn where they showed there goats we stood off to the side. I stood there watching waiting for the judge to make there choice for best in show. As always Eliza won. Sia and I never liked Eliza she was always rude and got everything she wanted. Sia got second Eliza gave her a glair that could kill. God I hate that girl. I was backing up when i ran into someone. Ren's arms come around me to steady myself and I just look up at him and smile. " You know you should really pay atention more often." He smiled and i laughed. " I do. I was just upset. Who does Eliza Young think she is ? Seriously that girl is horriable, We all know she gets first because her daddy judges the contests." I was furious. My arms were crossed and i was mubbling so many different things. One of the things came out a little too loud and Ren heard me. " Lena did you just call this Eliza Young a " little bitch " ? " My eyes widened when he said that.  There was no running from this Ren caught me with this. " Um.. Well.. I Kinda..." He looked at me and crossed his arms with that look of *Don't lie to me i know you just said that. " Ok. Fine, Yes. I called Eliza Young a bitch. So what? She is a bitch"

All Ren did was laugh.

His Laugh.

It's beautiful.

It's the cutest laugh i've heard in my life. It's like a little kid opening presents on there birthday. The giggle of the happiets person in the world. I could listen to his laugh forever. I just stood there smling. After a while of me just stairing at him i was snapped out of my thoughts.

" Lena? Leeeenaaaaa ? Earth to Lena? " " What? I'm sorry i was just..." " You were just what?" " Just thinking. What?" " I was asking if you wanted to go get something to eat. I'm starving." " Yes. How about we get you a funnle cake? " I smiled and he laughed. God that laugh is gonna kill me. " Well i figured we culd get something a little better than that. We can get one after we have something better for us." " Ugh your no fun. The Fair is all about eating different crap thats not good for you and being ok with it." " Fine. Then how about you pick the food."  i smiled. " Deal. Lets go." We both walked off and went for the mid way.

The Food smelled so amazing. We kept walking untill i stopped infront of my favorite pave to eat when it was fair time. " This place." I smiled and looked at Ren. He looked at me. " Seriously? This place. Lena al they have is fried foods." " Oh my god stop being a baby." The man walked up to me " I can take your order miss" i smiled back at the nice man " We will have a veggie basket and a order of fried pickles. Thank you sir." " Alright. I'll have those up in a couple of seconds." I looked at Ren and he looked like he was going to get sick. " DId you seriously just order Fried Pickles Lena? " I laughed. " Yes. Yes i did. Trust me you'll love them." "I mean i love pickles but fried? I dont know about this." After a couple more minutes of Ren rethinking of me picking the place to eat the men came back with our order. " Thank you Sir". Ren grabbed the veggie basket and i grabbed the pickles. I took a bite of the pickle and was in heaven. " Oh my god. This is so good." He looked at me like i was some crazy person. " Here try one." I put the pickle uo to his mouth which was a little hard considering her is a lot taller then me. He took and bite. All i did was watch his face. He chewed then swallowd. " You know. It wasn't that bad." " Oh my god. Did you just say that they weren't that bad?" He nodded. I started saying loudly. " Oh my god. Breaking News people Ren Calebson loves fried pickles. Every one stop what your doing! This georgia boy loves fried pickles." " Lena stop. People are stairing." I laughed. " Oh you should be used to me being like this. Come on." " I guess i should." We both smiled and made our way around the fair.

Looking at all the differnt animals was to fun. We both made our way back to the goat barn and it was time to leave. " Well Lena thanks for a eventfull day." " Your Welcome. It wouldn't have been that eventfull if you woulnd't have let that pig out of it's pen" " Hey! I didn't mean to. The other one was freaking out and i backed up into another pin and hit the door open." I am laughing. " Don't worry they found the pig." We both laughed. " Well I guess i'll see you later." He said to me " Yeah. I would be here tomorrow but i have to work." He looked so sad when i said that. " You could always come see me if you get board here. I work at the ice cream parlor up the street. Remember Lola's?" He smiled. " How could i forget. We went there all the time." i giggled. " Yeah well that's were i work. I open tomorrow. Come by and see me. I get off at 4." " I'll think about it. " I knew in my head he would come see me, but he's a guy of course he would say soemthing to make me think he might not come see me when i wanted him too. " Cool." " Cool" we both smiled and i turned around starting to walk away. I could feel his eyes on me the entire time then i heard him turn around and walk off. I smiled so big. I really hope he come's by tomorrw.

Georgia PeachsWhere stories live. Discover now