It Ends Tonight

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Tonight is the night. The night you decided to end it all.  The weight of the world was on your shoulders. Your parents were always fighting your dad was abusive to you and your mom. But hell she didn't care. All she did was work and complain. School wasn't any better. You were always being picked on for how you looked and by the things you liked. For awhile it bothered you but now you were just used to it. You would come home after school and go straight to your room. You would think about everything your mind would always be in a million places. But tonight you just couldn't handle it anymore. You had written a note with an explanation on why you did it. But you were positive it wouldnt matter. You were about to take the pills. But you dropped to you knees. "I dont want to hurt anymore..I just want it to be over." You sat there cry praying for a change. A hand touched your shoulder. You quickly turned around. A man in a trench coat was standing beside you. "Who are you?" You asked wondering how he even got there. "My name is Castiel. Im an angel of the Lord." He said in a soft but deep tone. "An angel!? Why..why are you here?" You were in shock. You were a strong believer but you couldn't help but wonder why an angel would come to you. "Ive been watching you. And I can not allow you to continue what you were about to do." He said. His bright blue eyes staring into yours. "And why is that? Why would you want to stop me. It would be no great loss to anyone if I was gone." You said breaking away from the eye lock. He tilted his head face filled with confusion. "Why would you think so low of yourself?" He asked kneeling beside you. "Because thats what everyone thinks. I am alone." His confusion turned to sadness. "I dont think that. Your not alone because I am right here. You don't have to do this. You are important. You matter." You started to cry uncontrollably. "What do you know! You just met me how can you say that im important you dont even know me! Im sure that even you would hate me! I cant do this anymore I just cant!" He placed his hand on your cheek using his thumb to wipe away your tears. "Then come with me. Let me get to know you. I promise you that I will never hate you or make you feel unwanted. Yes this is the first time we have met face to face but honestly I have known you for awhile. And I love everything about you." You were stunned. "Are you my guardian angel Castiel?" He gave you a little smile. "Sort of yes." Without thinking you wrapped your arms around him. He embraced you. He ran his fingers through your tangled hair as he held you close. No one had ever shown that much love and compassion for you in your whole life. This feeling was unlike any other. "Can I really go with you Castiel?" You ask looking once again into his bright blue eyes. He smiled then pulled you into a long passionate kiss. "Of course.. ill protect you, love you, and make you happy." You grabbed his hand tight and within seconds you were both gone. Off to live a better and beautiful life together.

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