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*Wereduck!Swiblet was having an argument with Witch!Chi-chi*

Witch!Chi-chi: Swiblet! Admit that girls are better than boys

Wereduck!Swiblet: Never!! And besides, boys are better because we can.... um.... there are more of us in the mansion, so there

Witch!Chi-chi: I agree with that statement that there's more boys in the mansion than girls, but..

Wereduck!Swiblet: Yea, there's you, Kathy, Cami, Anna, OR3O, Nightcove, and StarGazer

Witch!Chi-chi: Yea, but...  uh..

Frankenstein!TryHardNinja: What is happening?

Witch!Chi-chi: Igor, can we have your opinion on something?

Frankenstein!TryHardNinja: Sure

Witch!Chi-chi: Ok. Which is better? Boys or girls?

Frankenstein!TryHardNinja: Uh... can I not answer?

Witch!Chi-chi and Wereduck!Swiblet: No!

Frankenstein!TryHardNinja: *Mumbles something* Anyway, uh... well,-

Wereduck!Swiblet: Igor, tell her boys are better

Frankenstein!TryHardNinja:.... no. Bc boys are technically not better than girls-

Witch!Chi-chi: Yes!

Frankenstein!TryHardNinja: I wasn't done yet

Wereduck!Swiblet: Wow, so you're on their side? Must make sense, I mean, you are Russian

Frankenstein!TryHardNinja: What's that supposed to mean?

Wereduck!Swiblet: I mean that I found out Christmas for Russians is six days after New Years for us, so... I won't be surprised if you're on my side six days later if you're on their side now

Frankenstein!TryHardNinja: I'm not on either of your guys sides, and Swiblet, I will never be on your side if you keep offending me!!

Wereduck!Swiblet: Sorry, it's basically funny because you're Russian and all of us except you are Americans

Frankenstein!TryHardNinja: *Shocks him*

Wereduck!Swiblet: Ow!

Witch!Chi-chi: Haha! This is why girls are better because we don't offend other people

Wereduck!Swiblet: Nuh-uh, boys are still better, tho

*They kept having their argument until Frankenstein!TryHardNinja had enough*

Frankenstein!DarkSideNinja: STOP!! *Shocks Wereduck!Swiblet and Witch!Chi-chi*

Wereduck!Swiblet: Ow!

Witch!Chi-chi: Ah!

Frankenstein!DarkSideNinja: You guys have to stop right now, you're giving me a headache with your constant arguing

Wereduck!Swiblet: Hold on a sec, Russian. Aren't you a..... uh.... oh yea, pacifist?

Frankenstein!DarkSideNinja: *Shocks him*

Wereduck!Swiblet: Ow! Never mind, you're a pacifist with a bit of genocide to you, just like you're half Russian half Ukranian

Frankenstein!DarkSideNinja: It has nothing to do with that

Wereduck!Swiblet: This is wh...

Frankenstein!DarkSideNinja: *Looks at him*

Wereduck!Swiblet: Never mind

Frankenstein!DarkSideNinja: Anyway, I'm going to go back to my room and I don't wanna hear any more arguing coming from you two

Wereduck!Swiblet: But- uh... wait,..... never mind

Witch!Chi-chi: Fine, we'll stop

Wereduck!Swiblet: O.. k. Fine

Frankenstein!DarkSideNinja: Good. Bye *Walks away*

Wereduck!Swiblet: Well, at least I'm not the only one who got shocked this time

Witch!Chi-chi: Didn't he shock you along with Nightcove, Marshall, and Charlie?

Wereduck!Swiblet: Shut up

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