Encanto: The Family Madrigal

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(I'm either gonna switch or keep the lyrics the same. Depends)

Two-faced!WarDoc: Drawers! Floors! Doors! Let's go!

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶This is our home, we've got every generation *Knocks on Witch!Chi-chi's door multiple times* so full of music *Knocks on Wereduck!Swiblet's door* a rhythm of it's own design *Opens Frankenstein!TryHardNinja's door* this is my family, a perfect constellation. So many stars and everybody gets to shine. Woah, let's be clear, Dhuesta runs this show. Woah, he led us here so many years ago. Woah, and every year our family blessings grow. There's just a lot you've simply got to know, so..🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶Welcome to the family Madrigal. The home of the family Madrigal, we're on our way. Where all of the people are fantastical and magical. I'm part of the family Madrigal🎶

(I'm skipping the children, but he's still responding to them)

Two-faced!WarDoc: Alright, alright, relax

(I like this line)


Two-faced!WarDoc: And that's why coffee's for grownups

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶Witch!Chi-chi. She makes a lot of potions and she can fly, so she stays in motion. Now, Devil!Bonecage🎶

(No,..... ok, fine)

Villagers: We don't talk about him

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶They say he's a real devil, so he left the cage. Woah, and is Cami-Cat, here's her deal. Woah, the truth is she uses bat-like skills for real. Woah, she can turn in a bat, that's for real. If you're impressed, imagine how I feel🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶Welcome to the family Madrigal. The home of the family Madrigal. I know it sounds a bit fantastical and magical, but, I'm part of the family Madrigal🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶A girl just met the family Madrigal. And now she's part of the family Madrigal. See, this is Killer, she can make knives appear. That's how Euri became a Killer Madrigal. Let's go, let's go🎶

(I did the best I could.
..... anyway)

Killer!OR3O: 🎶We swear to always help those around us and earn the miracle that somehow found us. The town keeps growing, the world keeps turning, but work and dedication will keep the miracle burning and each new generation will keep the miracle burning🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶Ok, ok, ok, ok. So many people in the house, so let's turn the sound up. You know why? I think it's time for a monster round-up🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶Medusa... turns you to stone. Caleb's a pumpkin, Reptile gets a power today. My two beat friends, Frankenstein and Wereduck. One's good at hearing, while the other's shocking to meet🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶Ninja........ electricity, the town wants more. Ninja..... is the one everyone adores. And Swiblet can hear well. Hearing and kinesis are so swell🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶That's life in the family Madrigal. Now you know the family Madrigal. Where all of the people are fantastical and magical. That's who we are in the family Madrigal🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: Ha! 🎶Well, I gotta go, the life of a Madrigal. But now you all know the family Madrigal. I never meant this to get autobiographical, so just to review the family Madrigal, let's go🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶It starts with Dhuesta, and then Kelly. She makes all the potions🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶Bat Cami-Cat turns into a bat to go into motion🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶Headless, well, she's lost a head, but she means well🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶Hey, you said you want to know what everyone does, got awesome people like-🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶Clown!Vondo won't stop until he makes you smile today🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶Swiblet can hear this whole chorus a mile away🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶Look, it's Night, oh, you can marry Frankenstein if you wanna, between you and me, he's kind of a prima donna, yo, I said too much and thank you, but I really gotta go🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶My family's amazing🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶And I'm in my family, so🎶

Two-faced!WarDoc: 🎶Well🎶

(I tried my best, ok. Also, I didn't do the children or Abuela, because.... it's my book)

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