Power is a disease

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"ɪ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪᴛ'ꜱ ᴏᴠᴇʀ..."



*Riders on the Storm- The Doors

*Walk on the Wild Side- Lou Reed

*I Know It's Over- The Smiths


"You touch her one more time, and I'll shove that staff up your arse!" Lex yelled, as the monks herded us into Madame Gao's office, loudly closing the door and of course locking it. He kicked the door for good measure, leaving a faint mark.

"Holy shit" A voice mumbled behind us. The voice of Petra Yolga. The two of us turned simultaneously to see Marcus, Billy and Petra staring at us in disbelief.

"I lived bitches!" He held up his hands with a grin, before Billy and Petra ran forward engulfing him in a hug. I gave a faint smile at them, but all I felt at that present moment was ill. Like, drop down on the floor and die, ill. That's when I noticed the little girl sitting, looking emotionless into the fire, that crackled by the hearth, in the midst of Lex's voice filling the others in on how he cheated death.

"I know what happened to Master Lin" Marcus stated, standing beside me, noticing my confusion at the girl. "That's his daughter." My eyebrows frowned, slowly turning to him.

"Nahia? But she died a long time ago..."

"Apparently not"

I then made my way over, the small girl looking up at me, as I crouched down, with a comforting look about me. "Do you know where your father is?" Her pigtails moved side to side, with a shake of the head.

"They killed her" Was all she spoke. Who was they? But I should have known.

"Your mommy?" A nod of the head. So, Master Lin hadn't been truthful about his wife either. But how could I blame him? I knew little about the Guild, but to love was weakness, the man had told us that himself, even if I never did believe it. "Who killed her?"

"The bad men" I knew right away it had been the Soto Vatos. And I knew exactly who had told them where he lived. My lips upturned into a respectful smile, full of warmth. To trust someone when you were scared was more important than a lot of things. "Well, we're going to try and find a way out of here. We're going to take you with us, is that all right?" Her eyes lit up with a small hint of hope, nodding once more. She cautiously took my hand, surprising me slightly, as I stood up with a sharp intake of breath. "Okay, so does anybody actually have any ideas how to get out of here, before she comes back?"

I was expecting nothing. It was always situations like this that caught us out. Nobody ever had plans in situations like these. However, Billy gave a little smirk, pulling what appeared to be a homemade bomb out of his pocket. "We raided the confiscation room"

Lex let out a gasp moving forward taking the hunk of wires and explosive from the boy with the mohawk dramatically kissing it. "I've been looking bloody everywhere for this! AHA!"


With the bomb securely stuck to the door, and the timer activated, we all made a dash for it under the table at the back of the room. A few seconds of silence before chaos. The door exploded in flames, the noise echoing off the walls, my body covering the kid. Billy looked over the table as pieces of wood and ash fell down around the room, before he let out a yell of triumph.

"Dude, that was gnarly!"

The six of us stood up cautiously, my hand going back to my side as the anesthetic seemingly was beginning to wear off. Lex offered me his arm, as I hooked on, willing myself to walk on, through the blown out door. The corridors were completely clear, no student to be seen. That is until we turned the corner, and everything caught up with us. Madame Gao stood in all her regal-ness, Juan and some other members of the cartel on either side, guns raised, ready to fire. Shit. Could these people not give us a break? For god's sake.

"Why are you doing all of this?" I called, gently pushing Nahia behind me, glaring back at the woman. I wasn't going to mess around. I was so tired of all of this.

"I tried to warn you, Miss Gotti. You should have just took my advice, led your legacy, but yet then again, you never really were one were you? Remind me, what did your father do before he worked for the mob?"

"He worked in a garage. My mother washed snobby bitches clothes. I know where this is going. I'm a rat. Is that what you were about to say?" Her face faltered slightly, before moving to it's usual stone cold position. "I have never forgotten where I came from. The only person that has a problem with it is you. So, would you please give me a valid answer?!"

"It was Mr Arguello who was to be the only one to die. He knew too much for his own good. He was always going to be a liability to this school. But when Shabnam reported the location you were going to, I saw the opportunity. My brother ran this place like a zoo. He didn't deserve it. And I just could not pass on killing the scum of this school, only the Soto Vatos failed. So, I kept your little friend alive, to help find you."

Too much power in the hand of one, is sometimes worse than death

"You're wrong about us" Billy piped up, clenching his fists, a hint of fear in his eyes "It's people like you, that are the real scum!"

But the woman didn't care. You could never win with people like that. People so caught up with power, and status, that they would always think they were better than you.

"Shoot them" Was all she spoke, her expression unchanging. Juan gave me a smirk, aiming right at my forehead. Jesus Christ, this was karma laughing in my face. I dithered on closing my eyes or not, but I decided to look the boy right in the eye. Dude, if ghosts were real, I was gonna haunt his ass. I waited, my heart racing, for the gun to go off.

But it never did

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But it never did. Through the gap between me and Lex, a large blade propelled itself through the air, going straight into the woman's head, like a dart. I staggered back with an almost comical scream, mixed with the equally high pitched scream of the boy who stood beside me. The little girl, who I'd thankfully shielded from the view of Madame Gao's lifeless eyes looking at her brother before she slumped forward, turned her head behind us, her eyes lighting up.

"Daddy!" She yelled running into the arms of no other than Master Lin, Willie and Maria by his side. Man, this day was too much for me. The relief escaped my lungs, mixed with a tinge of fire from my side. The man pulled her into his arms, lifting her up, embracing his daughter, looking at us with a grateful nod.

"Is it over?" She mumbled, looking at him. He gave her a nod, but there was a sadness in there. He'd had to kill his sister, to save us all. I would never forget that.

"Yes. I believe so"

And a smile formed on my face. One that I meant. Truly meant. I was still smiling as everything turned upside down, my head spinning. The memory of Lex and Billy running to catch me was the last thing I remembered before the darkness swallowed me.


oop that was very short, and dramatic hehe. Only one more chapter to go!! ;))

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